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183 results filtered with: Exhibitions
  • F. Marques, a nurse, talks to a colleague in a hospital: a photograph by Manuel Aries representing an advertisement for an exhibition entitled: "Views: caregivers at the heart of the AIDS years" at the Hôtel de Miramon from 1st December [World AIDS Day] 1992 to 16th January 1993 by the Musée de l'Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris. Lithograph.
  • The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, Chicago: a view of the Court of Honour, Peristyle and Agricultural Hall, seen from the Machinery Hall. Chromolithograph with gouache after a painting by J.R. Key, 1894.
  • Instructions on the mounting of an exhibition of AIDS posters by ARTIS. Lithograph by Philippe Délis et associés and René Arch.
  • Darwin : big idea, big exhibition / Natural History Museum.
  • The side of a building with the question "One day, when all diseases will be overcome, shall we finally learn how to live", referring to AIDS. Colour silk screen print after Jochen Gerz, 1993.
  • The word 'HIV +' in bold black and blue letters representing an advertisement for an exhibition entitled: 'HIV +: Posters Against AIDS' designed by students of the University of Potsdam under the supervision of Prof. Lex Drewinski from 26 to 27 January 1995 at the University of Potsdam; advertisement by the AOK Health Fund. Colour lithograph.
  • Facts about the Ontario Science Centre.
  • [Single, 'stamp' gummed sticker celebrating the stamp centenary exhibition and "sold in aid of the Lord Mayor's Red Cross and St. John Fund." Printed in purple].
  • Two hands meet, one elongated within an image with bleached edges representing an advertisement for an exhibition entitled 'We are all for life' held on September 17 to 28 October 1993 at the Exhibit Hall in the Town Hall of Alicante. Colour lithograph by Sanier [?], 1993.
  • A black and white flame against a red background, with a list of artists' names; advertising the exhibition "Imágenes contra el SIDA". Colour lithograph by Peret, 199-.
  • Three naked men jostle with their arms with the message in French and English: "Happy to be gay"; an advertisement for an exhibition of AIDS posters by Artis. Colour silk screen print after Martin Kippenberger, 1993.
  • Two flowers and a heart representing love and life with the words "Liebes Leben"; advertising an exhibition about AIDS in Leipzig. Colour lithograph by Studio Andreas Heller for the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, 1995.
  • A butterfly wearing a condom on its main body with a caterpillar nearby; an illustration by Edith Hirsch representing an advertisement for an auction exhibition of pictures on the theme of AIDS to benefit the Österreichische AIDS-Hilfe at the Zentrale der Wiener Rettung, Vienna between 29 November to 12 December 1988 in commemoration of World AIDS Day. Colour lithograph.
  • Facts about the Ontario Science Centre.
  • Gunther von Hagens' Body Worlds Vital : the exhibition of real human bodies : 17 May-2 November 2014 / Life Science Centre.
  • The gigantic giraffe or camelopard, the gensbok, or ibex of the Egyptians, the bontibok, and the gazelle : neither of which were ever before brought to the continent of America, and but barely seen in any part of the civilized world ...
  • An HIV positive man in make-up and a metallic jacket with a raised collar, with a large label across his arm bearing the warning 'Sondermüll-Mensch' (human hazardous waste), with figures cut out of meat; advertising exhibition about the Upper Austrian AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Mares Andreas.
  • AIDS HIV: facts : an exhibition / London Strategic Policy Unit, Association of London Authorities.
  • Achema VII : Feugblatt Nr. 1 / Fr. Hildebrandt.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: a display of pharmacy jars. Photograph, c. 1920.
  • The face of a woman in speckled black ink with her eyes scratched in green representing an advertisement for an international exhibition of AIDS posters entitled 'Visual AIDS' from 6 to 19 November 1989 by the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V and Deutschen AIDS-Hilfe e.V; a project of the seminar "AIDS and the Arts" of the University of Western Ontario in collaboration with the AIDS-Hilfe London and Canada. Colour lithograph by Detlev Pusch.
  • Free exhibition admission ticket : Laboratory exhibition & conference : an essential experience for every scientific industry professional... : Earls Court 2, London, 13-15 October 1992 / organised by The Evan Steadman Communications Group.
  • A newly discovered animal! : The bonassus from the Apalachian mountains of America, is seventeen months old, and five feet ten inches high ... to be seen at 287, Strand between St. Mary-le-Strand and St. Clement's churches, aslo with an entrance at 41, Holywell-Street ...
  • A rhinoceros with a phallic-like horn and an elongated condom with the message in French: "What distinguishes humans from animals is (it is said) intelligence"; a statement about AIDS. Colour silk screen print after A. Le Quernec, 1993.
  • An information sheet about an anti-AIDS poster exhibition designed and produced by Artis as part of a collaboration with the Unesco/WHO AIDS prevention education programme; with explanation about the risk of contamination from infected blood. Colour lithograph, ca. 1990's.
  • Machinery: a steam-driven sugar mill. Engraving by J. S. Virtue, 1862.
  • The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, Chicago: a view of the Court of Honour, seen from the Peristyle. Chromolithograph with gouache after a painting by J.R. Key, 1894.
  • 50 : Join us in our DNA 50th anniversary celebrations! : It's 50 years since Crick and Watson discovered the structure of DNA. How far have we come? Where will the next 50 years take us? Find out more at / The Wellcome Trust.
  • Manchester Exhibition of Art treasures, Manchester, England: interior gallery. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin, 1856, after B. Sly after E. Salomons.
  • The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, Chicago: a view of the Peristyle. Chromolithograph with gouache after a painting by J.R. Key, 1894.