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165 results filtered with: Constipation - drug therapy
  • Focus on paediatrics in general practice : Duphalac.
  • Zilatone reestablishes normal liver, bile and bowel functions.
  • Our motto is "curative" : The Magnetic Pill (patented) tonic and aperient.
  • Colefilaxe : antianafilactico y colagogo / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Duphalac : suspends the monthly sentence of dysmenorrhoea.
  • Duphalac : suspends the monthly sentence of dysmenorrhoea.
  • Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid : the wonderful liver remedy : small doses, prompt effect.
  • Duphalac : suspends the monthly sentence of dysmenorrhoea.
  • Indigestion with constipation and flatulence are cured and prevented from recurring by removing the cause that is, by taking Tablones : "they remove the cause".
  • Home, health and happiness / Bile Bean Manufacturing Co.
  • The modern medicament for relieving nasal catarrh, congestion, colds, hay fever, influenza, asthma, quinsy, bronchitis, sore throat or chest, headache, neuralgia, sprains, neuritis & rheumatic pains : Mentex / Foster McClellan Laboratories.
  • Angier's Emulsion heals the lungs, helps digestion / Angier Chemical Co. Ltd.
  • Should these clouds gather in your holiday sky, try : 'Marzine' ...
  • For holiday health the-year-round & to keep attractively slim regularly take Bile Beans.
  • Dr. Mettaur's Headache Pills : a sure cure. Twenty-five cents.
  • Wonderful value! : postcards 1d. : chocolate laxative for children and adults / Manufactured by Burdall's Ltd. Manufacturing Chemists, Sheffield.
  • Focus on obstetrics in general practice : Duphalac.
  • Dr. Pierce's medicines : Pierces Pleasant Purgative Pellets, golden medical discovery, Dr. Pierces favorite prescription / World Dispensary Medical Association.
  • For holiday health the-year-round & to keep attractively slim regularly take Bile Beans.
  • To the health : Burdock Blood Bitters.
  • Wonderful value! : postcards 1d. : chocolate laxative for children and adults / Manufactured by Burdall's Ltd. Manufacturing Chemists, Sheffield.
  • Chilean girl gathering the leaves of the Boldo Tree : used for the phytotherapeutic treatment of constipation : Boldolaxine.
  • Colefilaxe : antianafilactico y colagogo / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Chilean girl gathering the leaves of the Boldo Tree : used for the phytotherapeutic treatment of constipation : Boldolaxine.
  • Dr. Pierce's medicines : Pierces Pleasant Purgative Pellets, golden medical discovery, Dr. Pierces favorite prescription / World Dispensary Medical Association.
  • Duphalac : suspends the monthly sentence of dysmenorrhoea.
  • Folks you meet. The Great North American Pie Biter orders pie for breakfast, dinner and supper regardless of cost ...
  • Notice sur les Grains de Vals : purgatifs et dépuratifs.
  • Para el tratamiento lógico del estreñimiento : 3 tipos de Petrolagar / Wyeth International Limited.
  • Beecham's school quiz : sewing card : embroider, paint or crayon this design to your own colour scheme.