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229 results filtered with: Channels
  • Acu-moxa chart: dumai (Governor Vessel), Chinese MS, Qing
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Soup Fat Pulse
  • Chinese MS acu-moxa point chart:Heart channel
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Full Pulse (shimai)
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart:
  • Acu-moxa chart: Renmai (the Director Vessel), Japanese
  • Acupuncture chart, spleen channel of foot taiyin, Chinese
  • Acupuncture chart, lung channel of hand taiyin, Chinese
  • Acupuncture chart, sanjiao channel of hand shaoyang, Chinese
  • Acupuncture chart, large intestine channel of hand yangming
  • Heart channel of arm shaoyin, C17/18 Chinese book art
  • Acu-moxa chart: Channels and acupoints of the leg and foot
  • Acu-moxa chart: dumai (Governor Vessel), Chinese woodcut
  • Gynaecological acu-moxa: mastitis, Chinese woodcut
  • Acu-moxa chart: points of the hand and arm, Japanese woodcut
  • Acu-moxa chart: bladder channel of foot taiyang, Chines
  • Acu-moxa chart: Heart Envelope channel of hand jueyin
  • Acupuncture chart, third head line, Chinese woodcut
  • Acupuncture chart, heart channel of hand shaoyin, Chinese
  • Acu-moxa chart: yangqiao mai, Chinese woodcut
  • Acu-moxa chart: stomach channel of foot yangming, Chinese
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Choppy Pulse (semai)
  • Anatomy of the large intestine in ancient Chinese medicine
  • Yinqiao (Yin Heel) channel, C17/18 Chinese book art
  • Acu-moxa chart: yinqiao mai (Yin Heel Vessel), Chinese
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Vacuous Pulse (xumai)
  • Lung channel of hand taiyin, Chinese woodcut, 1817
  • Jing, ying, shu, yuan, jing, he points of the yang channels
  • Chinese MS acu-moxa point chart: Lung channel
  • Acu-moxa chart: Renmai (Director Vessel), Chinese MS, Qing