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107 results filtered with: Audiences
  • Doctor Humbugallo, an itinerant medicine vendor, selling his wares from a stage with an assistant dressed as a court fool. Watercolour by T. Rowlandson.
  • Doctor Humbugallo, an itinerant medicine vendor, selling his wares from a stage with an assistant dressed as a court fool. Watercolour by T. Rowlandson.
  • The London Institution, Moorfields: the interior of the lecture theatre, a demonstration in progress. Engraving by G. Gladwin after B. Dixie.
  • A theatrical itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage to a crowd, assisted by an elaborately dressed man and an owl. Coloured etching.
  • Doctor Bossy, a medicine vendor, selling his wares to a crowd of sick and lame people at Covent Garden, London. Pencil drawing after A. van Assen.
  • A group of itinerant perfomers on stage at a market, attempting to sell some medicines as well as entertain. Engraving by F.A. David after K. Dujardin.
  • A foppish dentist on stage extracting a tooth from a patient who is being restrained by a man dressed as Pierrot. Coloured etching by A. Auger, 1817.
  • Children playing in their nursery: performing at and attending the theatre. Chromolithograph after E. Lees after A. Havers, 1890.
  • A travelling tooth-drawer holding a tooth up in the air to an audience after extracting it from a howling patient who is seated next to him in a carriage. Coloured lithograph by G. Gostiaux.
  • Doctor Bossy, an infamous medicine vendor, selling his wares to a crowd of sick and lame people at Covent Garden, London. Etching, 1795, after A. van Assen.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares in a village square with the assistance of a monkey. Pen drawing.
  • Doctor Botherum, an itinerant medicine vendor (perhaps based on Doctor Bossy) selling his wares on stage with the aid of assistants to a raucous crowd. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1800.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares with the aid of assistants and snakes to a captivated audience, Tianjin, China. Engraving by P. Lightfoot, 1858, after T. Allom.
  • An itinerant salesman selling amulets against the bites of snakes and other animals to a crowd of people who purchase them eagerly. Etching by B. Pinelli, 1815.
  • Doctor Rock, a medicine vendor, selling his wares from a horse-drawn carriage to a crowd. Engraving.
  • A salesman in Rome with a snake selling amulets as antidotes or prophylactics against snake-bite to a crowd of people.. Pen drawing by B. Pinelli, 1821.
  • An auctioneer selling fish from a platform to an excited audience, at Billingsgate Market. Coloured crayon-manner lithograph by M. Prior, 1870.
  • Doctor Bossy, a medicine vendor, selling his wares to a crowd of sick and lame people at Covent Garden, London. Pencil drawing after A. van Assen.
  • Three scenes: a woman undergoing a trial for adultery, a Jewish burial and circumcision ceremony. Etching after a woodcut, 1682.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor and his assistants being pelted off stage with stones from an angry audience. Engraving by C.F. Stoelzel, 1798, after J. Schenau.
  • An operator treating a patient's foot; a crowd of people is gathered around watching the work. Line engraving by P. Quast.
  • Doctor Syntax attending a scientific demonstration at the Royal Institution, London. Coloured aquatint by T. Rowlandson after W. Combe.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage to an audience while his assistant draws a tooth from a man. Etching by Diebiey, 1767.
  • George Combe lecturing on phrenology, portrayed with protuberances on his head. Coloured lithograph 1826.
  • George Combe lecturing on phrenology, portrayed with protuberances on his head. Coloured lithograph 1826.
  • A travelling tooth-drawer holding a tooth up in the air to an audience after extracting it from a howling patient who is seated next to him in a carriage. Coloured lithograph by G. Gostiaux.
  • A Christmas entertainment, presented in sign language for the deaf and dumb, at the Hanover Square rooms, London. Wood engraving, 1865.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares to a small group of country people. Engraving by W. French after G. Dou.
  • A medicine vendor selling to a crowd at a fair. Process print after C. Pears, 1912.
  • Doctor Rock, a vendor of medicines, selling his wares from a horse-drawn carriage to a crowd at Kennington common: John and Charles Wesley are preaching in the background. Engraving, 1743.