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312 results filtered with: Astronomy
  • A female figure among astronomical apparatus: representing astronomy. Etching by F.D. Née after C-N. Cochin the younger, 1773.
  • Astronomy: the moon goddess (Diana), in her chariot drawn by a pair of women. Engraving by C. Lasinio, 1695, after Raphael, 1516.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including Napoleon III, death showing his handiwork, a weeping Britannia beside a child's [?] flag-draped coffin, a sea battle, and a land battle. Coloured lithograph, [c.1871?].
  • Astronomy: an astronomer [?] in his study, looking out of the window. Lithograph by M. Jackson after J. G.
  • Melancholia: a female figure contemplating a skull, surrounded by attributes of knowledge and learning. Engraving after D. Fetti.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including a seated Napoleon III with a smiling Queen Victoria, a woman pursued by a polar bear, and a battle in Russia. Coloured lithograph, [c.1867?].
  • Astronomy: a star map of the night sky. Coloured engraving by G. Zuliani after Castellan, with lettering by G. Pitteri, 1777.
  • Astrology: signs of the zodiac. Coloured engraving.
  • Astronomy: a large portable refracting telescope. Engraving.
  • The moon, viewed in full sunlight. Stipple engraving by J. Russell, 1805.
  • Sidereus, nuncius magna longeqve admirabilia spectacula pandens, suspiciendaque proponens vnicuique praesertim vero philosophis, atque astronomis / quae a Galileo Galileo ... perspicilli nuper a sereperti beneficio sunt obseruata in lvnae facie, fixis innvmeris, lacteo circvlo stellis nebvlosis, apprime vero in qvatvor planetis circa Iovis stellam disparibus interuallis, atque periodis, celeritate mirabili circumuolutis; quos, nemini in hanc vsque diem cognitos, nouissime auctor deprehendit primus; atque medicea sidera nvncvpandos decrevit.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including earthquake, war, and shipwreck. Coloured lithograph, [c.1833?].
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including a mob by the Palace of Westminster [?], a mob being addressed by an orator in the City of London, and a paddle-steamer blowing up. Coloured lithograph, [c.1844?].
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including war, and shipwreck. Coloured lithograph, [c.1832?].
  • Astronomy: comets in a night sky. Engraving.
  • Clocks: an elaborate astronomical mantel clock. Coloured lithograph, [c.1875?].
  • Astronomy: an armillary sphere, with other diagrams of the heavens. Engraving by R. W. Seale.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including an earthquake, beggars at a rich man's door, a funeral, and a shipwreck. Coloured lithograph, [c.1852?].
  • Christophori Clavii ... In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius. Nunc iterum ab ipso Auctore recognitus, et multis ac varÿs locis locupletatus / [Christoph Clavius].
  • Nicolas Copernicus among other astronomers of the world. Process print after a wood engraving by J. Styfi and J. Holewinski, 18--, after M.E. Andirolli, 1873.
  • Two circular charts showing the configuration of the stars with the Hebrew alphabet. Engraving.
  • Astrology: the zodiac. Etching.
  • Astronomy: Saturn with his scythe, riding in his chariot. Engraving by C. Lasinio after Raphael, 1516.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including a firing squad, war, and a sea battle. Coloured lithograph, [c.1828?].
  • Astronomy: a large refracting telescope, in use outdoors. Lithograph by W. Eldridge, 183-.
  • Astronomy: a diagram of the earth and other planets. Coloured engraving, 1846.
  • Astronomy: a star map of the night sky in the northern hemisphere, with the names of the constellations. Coloured engraving.
  • Astronomy: a diagram showing how to determine latitude. Coloured engraving by J. Emslie, 1851, after himself.
  • Astrology: signs of the zodiac. Coloured engraving.
  • Navigation: a man using a Jacob's staff (cross staff), various other measuring devices at his feet. Woodcut, 16--.