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131 results filtered with: Sowerby, James, 1757-1822
  • Hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale): flowering stem, leaf and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1800.
  • Calamint (Calamintha species): flowering stem, roots and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1805.
  • A rush (Scirpus fluitans): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1794.
  • Knawel plant (Scleranthus perennis): flowering plant and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1796.
  • Corn mint (Mentha arvensis): flowering stem, roots and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1810.
  • Rock or wall cress (Arabis stricta): flowering stem, root and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1798.
  • Stonecrop (Sedum forsterianum): flowering plant and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1807.
  • Daniel Charles Solander. Stipple engraving by J. Newton, 1784, after J. Sowerby.
  • Hedge nettle or woundwort (Stachys arvensis): flowering stem, roots and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1803.
  • Mugwort (Artemisia campestris): flowering stem, leaves, roots and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1796.
  • Saxifrage or rockfoil (Saxifraga umbrosa): flowering plant and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1799.
  • Little mouse-ear (Cerastium semidecandrum): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1806.
  • A plant (Potentilla argentea): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1793.
  • Stitchwort (Stellaria scapigera): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1804.
  • Saxifrage or rockfoil (Saxifraga platypetala): flowering plant and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1811.
  • Bugle (Ajuga alpina): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1798.
  • Dyer's rocket (Reseda luteola): flowering stem, root and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1796.
  • Willow-herb (Epilobium palustre): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1796.
  • Toadflax (Linaria elatine): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1800.
  • Field mouse-ear (Cerastium arvense): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1793.
  • Pearlwort (Sagina species): flowering plant and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1810.
  • Land cress (Barbarea verna): flowering stem, leaf and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1803.
  • A moss (Bryum calcareum): single plants showing the growth cycle and a patch of moss on stone. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1794.
  • None-so-pretty (Silene armeria): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1804.
  • Common figwort (Scrophularia nodosa): flowering stem, root and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1805.
  • A wild radish (Raphanus maritimus): flowering stem, leaf and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1806.
  • Water chickweed (Myosoton aquaticum): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1799.
  • Red deadnettle (Lamium purpureum): flowering stem, roots and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1808.
  • Sandwort (Arenaria verna): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving, c. 1830, after J. Sowerby.
  • Fennel-leaved pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus): flowering stem, root and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1795.