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292 results filtered with: Raphael, 1483-1520
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) and Saint Joseph with the Christ Child and Saint John the Baptist. Engraving by P.W. Tomkins, 1820, after Raphael.
  • Moses smiting the rock to supply water to his followers. Colour lithograph by L. Gruner after N. Consoni after Raphael.
  • The story of Cupid and Psyche: Venus with Psyche and Cupid with Jupiter. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1693, after Raphael.
  • Saint Matthew. Engraving by S. Bianchi after G. Petrini after Raphael.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin). Etching after Raphael.
  • Empedocles. Line engraving by D. Cunego, 1785, after Raphael.
  • Astronomy: Saturn with his scythe, riding in his chariot. Engraving by C. Lasinio after Raphael, 1516.
  • Saint Peter and Saint John healing the lame man at the temple gate. Engraving by N. Dorigny after Raphael.
  • The death of Ananias. Engraving by T. Holloway, J. Holloway, R. Slann and T.S. Webb, 1816, after Raphael.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) and Saint Joseph with the Christ Child, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth. Engraving by J. Frey after G. Edelinck after Raphael.
  • Saint Philip. Engraving by S. Bianchi after G. Petrini after Raphael.
  • Noah burning offerings on an altar after the end of the deluge. Colour lithograph by L. Gruner after N. Consoni after Raphael.
  • The passage through the Red sea. Colour lithograph by L. Gruner after N. Consoni after Raphael.
  • Saint Stephen. Etching after Raphael.
  • Saint Mary Magdalen and Saint Cecilia. Engraving after Raphael.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child. Photogravure by Lemercier after Raphael.
  • Profile of a boy which, according to Lavater, exemplifies Raphael's approach to noses and chins in profile. Drawing, c. 1791, after Raphael.
  • Saint Thomas. Line engraving by S. Bianchi after G. Petrini after Raphael.
  • "La velata". Engraving by L. Gruner after Raphael.
  • Archimedes Siracus. Line engraving by A. Campanella after L. Agricola after Raphael.
  • A woman bearing a sword and measuring scales; representing justice. Engraving by P. Ghigi after L. Agricola after Raphael.
  • Astronomy: Mars with sword and shield, an angel above, looking heavenward. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1695, after Raphael, 1516.
  • An 'ideal head' shown to have slight idiosyncrasies in physiognomy. Drawing, c. 1789, after Raphael.
  • Saint John the Baptist. Engraving by S. de La Vallée after Raphael.
  • Profile of a boy which, according to Lavater, exemplifies Raphael's approach to noses and chins in profile. Drawing, c. 1791, after Raphael.
  • Averroes. Lithograph by P. R. Vignéron, 1825, after Raphael.
  • The story of Cupid and Psyche: a council of the gods decreeing the marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1693, after Raphael.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Sigismundo de' Conti as a donor with Saint Jerome, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Francis of Assisi. Etching by V. Victoria after Raphael.
  • The story of Cupid and Psyche: Venus asking Jupiter for the eloquence of Mercury. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1693, after Raphael.
  • The School of Athens: a key to the figures in the centre of the composition. Engraving by G. Volpato, after Raphael.