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  • People in a street market in South Africa; representing rights and responsibilities in avoidance and treatment of AIDS. Lithograph after Moving Images, ca. 1996.
  • Question marks interspersed with images of gay men representing Nitty Gritties, a series of free, informative workshops for gay men in Auckland and Wellington; advertisement by the New Zealand AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph.
  • A series of 16 montage images depicting a variety of people and animals overlaid on photographic and painted scenes representing an advertisement for the AIDS Linien, an AIDS helpline in Copenhagen, Denmark. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Horse's teeth: showing development from six years old to extreme old age: ten views with five detailed images of youthful teeth. Coloured engraving attributed to T. Cowan after a drawing attributed to B. Herring, ca. 1860.
  • Dear friend, I am pleased to write to you with details of our 1992 Christmas cards : this year Howard Hodgkin has kindly allowed us to use five of his images ... / Tara Teacy, Apeals & Sponsorship Officer.
  • A blood droplet containing an illustration of a wounded patient in bandages lying in a hospital bed receiving a blood transfusion; surrounded by images of war-torn villages and violence; an anti-AIDS advertisement. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A crowd of people with three further images of a man, a woman and a couple below showing how they are protecting themselves from AIDS; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Ministerio de Salud, Peru. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Game and hunting, six separate images: two pheasants; a hare; two rabbits; four grouse (?); a snipe (?); two dogs guard a brace of dead game hanging from the branch of a tree. Etching after E.H. Landseer, 1820/1848.
  • A man's hand holding a syringe poised to inject into his arm with five further smaller images showing the procedures for safe drug use; an advertisement by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Torsten Schmidt and Detlev Pusch.
  • Five images involving a couple at Papua New Guinea High School who arrange to meet at a party representing an AIDS prevention advertisement about safe sex and condoms by the Papua New Guinea Department of Health. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • The words 'SIDA' with thumbnail images in between including a woman in a lab coat and a school classroom representing an advertisement for World AIDS Day, 1st December 1991 by the World Health Organization and UNESCO Education Division. Colour lithograph.
  • Two faces kissing and merged in the shape of a heart with the words "Aimer sans peur" [love without fear]; one of a series of posters representing an advertisement for a competition for posters of images against AIDS. Colour lithograph by Renata Zolcinska.
  • A cartoon figure of a man with a moustache with 4 speech bubbles above his head containing images of women with the label 'Adventurer' in Spanish; an advertisement for the fight against AIDS by Prisa, OPS/OMS, Sespas and Procets. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Four images of the Sacred Heart; left: the Sacred Heart on an altar; middle top: the Sacred Heart; middle bottom the Sacred Heart; right: the Sacred Heart flourishing in a landscape. Left, middle top and right: watercolour; middle bottom: collage and process print.
  • World AIDS Day 1st December 1995 : we want you to give us images for World AIDS Day / Health Education Authority, National AIDS Trust ; co-ordinated by Keith Winestein, WAD Co-ordinator and assisted by John Bentham, at the National AIDS Trust.
  • World AIDS Day 1st December 1995 : we want you to give us images for World AIDS Day / Health Education Authority, National AIDS Trust ; co-ordinated by Keith Winestein, WAD Co-ordinator and assisted by John Bentham, at the National AIDS Trust.
  • World AIDS Day 1st December 1995 : we want you to give us images for World AIDS Day / Health Education Authority, National AIDS Trust ; co-ordinated by Keith Winestein, WAD Co-ordinator and assisted by John Bentham, at the National AIDS Trust.
  • World AIDS Day 1st December 1995 : we want you to give us images for World AIDS Day / Health Education Authority, National AIDS Trust ; co-ordinated by Keith Winestein, WAD Co-ordinator and assisted by John Bentham, at the National AIDS Trust.
  • A sequence of instant colour photographs of fifteen year old students from the Collège les Toulouses against blackboards bearing messages relating to AIDS awareness; one of a series of posters representing an advertisement for a competition for posters of images against AIDS. Colour lithograph by the students.
  • Numbered images and text including a family sitting talking, syringes with a red cross and a variety of condoms representing an advertisement from Laos for education about AIDS, the dangers of intravenous drug abuse and the importance of condoms and safe sex. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • A calendar for the year 1994 edged with gold at the top and containing numerous images of couples within borders bearing the words 'AIDS'; an advertisement for the Program on AIDS by the Thai Red Cross Society supported by Unicef and the Ford Foundation. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.