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133 results
  • The circumcision of Christ. Engraving by P.G.A. Beljambe after G. Bellini.
  • A young man blowing a bellows, while an alchemist, chemist or goldsmith watches through spectacles. Engraving by C. Guttenberg after F. van Mieris.
  • Two pieces of apparatus that are used to manipulate dislocated shoulders and jaws back into the correct position, apparently conceived by W. Fabricius Hildanus. Etching by J. Bell.
  • Medical Herbalist's Practice Room.
  • Chinese anatomical figure of a reclining woman.
  • Ivory anatomical figure of a pregnant woman
  • Ivory anatomical figure of a pregnant woman
  • Ivory anatomical figure of a pregnant woman
  • Ivory anatomical figure of a pregnant woman
  • Child birth scene, Greco-Roman, 1stC-4thC
  • A man's body receiving the ministrations of a healer. Drawing attributed to Pieter de Jode I.
  • Qui Hi alias Lieutenant Johnny Newcome on his death bed in prison, attended by his mistress and child and the doctor's assistant. Coloured aquatint by Quiz, 1816, after T. Rowlandson.
  • A young lady reclining, being attended by a physician. Lithograph.
  • A man taking the pulse of another man. Albumen print.
  • A patient on his deathbed, representing the death of the Venetian Republic. Etching, ca. 1797.
  • A nobleman and an alderman sit at a table neggotiating a marriage settlement between the son of the former and the daughter of the latter. Engraving by Louis Gérard Scotin after William Hogarth, 1745.
  • Paulo Purganti, a physician shrinking from his wife's caresses. Mezzotint.
  • A poor woman in childbirth being watched by her husband. Engraving by J.-J. Frilley, 1827, after Ary Scheffer.
  • A poor woman in childbirth being watched by her husband. Engraving by J.-J. Frilley, 1827, after Ary Scheffer.
  • A man is woken by the ghost of a friend calling to him: he crosses his bedroom in a nightshirt and holding a candle, and is annoyed to find it is a cat. Engraving, 1801.
  • Dandies at the opera, one of them swooning, overcome with emotion. Coloured etching by I.R. Cruikshank, 1818.
  • Dandies at the opera, one of them swooning, overcome with emotion. Etching by I.R. Cruikshank, 1835.
  • A woman seated on a obstetrical chair giving birth aided by a midwife who works beneath her skirts. Woodcut.
  • A Breton woman relaxing in a cupboard-bed after giving birth, she is surrounded by a group of Breton women and her husband. Etching.
  • A Breton woman relaxing in a cupboard-bed after giving birth, she is surrounded by a group of Breton women and her husband. Etching.
  • A mother wrapping a baby in swaddling bandages, with a child, the baby's nurse, and two other servants. Engraving by A. Bosse, 1633.
  • A mother wrapping a baby in swaddling bandages, with a child, the baby's nurse, and two other servants. Engraving by A. Bosse, 1633.
  • L'art d'accoucher / par G.G. Stein ; Traduit de l'allemand sur la 5e édition par P.F. Briot ; avec vingt-quatre planches ; suivi d'une dissertation sur la fièvre puerpérale par J. Charles Gasc.
  • Martyrdom of Saint Stephen. Etching by A.J. Duclos and engraving by L. Garreau after Annibale Carracci.
  • Saint Laurence Justiniani. Engraving by C.W. Ketterlinus and A.L. Romanet after F. Albani.