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265 results
  • Hippocrates refusing the gifts of Artaxerxes. Engraving by Raphael Massard, 1816, after A.L. Girodet-Trioson, 1792.
  • A fool is writing an insult on the pedestal of a statue of Hippocrates. Lithograph by Cham, 1862.
  • Pharmaceutical bill-head of Injection Brou: the head of Hippocrates, a couple in a forest and ballet dancers. Etching, 186-.
  • Hippocrates upon Air, water, and situation; upon Epidemical diseases; and upon Prognosticks, in acute cases especially. To this is added (by way of comparison) Thucydidesʼs Account of the plague of Athens / The whole translated, methodisʼd, and illustrated with useful and explanatory notes by Francis Clifton. [With life of Hippocrates from Soranus].
  • Hippocrates upon Air, water, and situation; upon Epidemical diseases; and upon Prognosticks, in acute cases especially. To this is added (by way of comparison) Thucydidesʼs Account of the plague of Athens / The whole translated, methodisʼd, and illustrated with useful and explanatory notes by Francis Clifton. [With life of Hippocrates from Soranus].
  • Ancient herbalists and scholars of medicinal lore (Galen, Pliny, Hippocrates etc.); and Venus and Adonis in the gardens of Adonis. Woodcut, 1532.
  • Ancient herbalists and scholars of medicinal lore (Galen, Pliny, Hippocrates etc.); and Venus and Adonis in the gardens of Adonis. Woodcut, 1532.
  • Ancient herbalists and scholars of medicinal lore (Galen, Pliny, Hippocrates etc.); and Venus and Adonis in the gardens of Adonis. Woodcut, 1532.
  • Ancient herbalists and scholars of medicinal lore (Galen, Pliny, Hippocrates etc.); and Venus and Adonis in the gardens of Adonis. Woodcut, 1532.
  • The Tetragrammaton and orders of heaven surmounting portraits of famous medical philosophers (Aesculapius, Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna etc.) and John Woodall. Engraving by G. Glover, 1639.
  • Denis Pétau, seated at a desk in a vast library, writing his historical and chronological works; medallions of Solon, Hippocrates, Cicero and Homer above. Engraving, 1724.
  • Jean de Renou: his portrait, and the subjects of his book on pharmacy; centre, Galen and Hippocrates holding a lion skin; below, Richard Tomlinson. Engraving by T. Cross, 1657.
  • The anatomist Felix Platter, seated at a table covered with surgical instruments in a room with two other men, below which are the figures of Hippocrates and Galen. Engraving, 1656.
  • Above, a man studying the entrails of a cadaver as the microcosm, with the macrocosm behind; below, Hippocrates, holding the staff of Aesculapius, and Galen; bottom, instruments for anatomy and surgery. Engraving by A. Santvoort, ca. 1650.
  • A physician, enema in hand, quotes Hippocrates on the importance of the stomach in the 'administration' of the body; a green-hued patient cowers behind. Colour photomechanical reproduction of a lithograph by D.T. de Losques, 1910.
  • A woman representing pharmacy receives gifts of materia medica from vegetable and mineral sources, and with the aid of a herbal distils them into medicines; above, Apollo gives authority to Hippocrates as other Olympians stand outside the temple of Aesculapius. Etching by R. de Hooghe.
  • Mellificium chirurgiae. Or, the marrow of chirurgery. An anatomical treatise / Institutions of physick, with Hippocrates's Aphorisms largely commented upon. The marrow of physick, shewing the causes, signs and cures of most diseases incident to human bodies. Choice experienced receits for the cure of several distempers. Illustrated in its several parts with twelve brass cuts.
  • Mellificium chirurgiae. Or, the marrow of chirurgery. An anatomical treatise / Institutions of physick, with Hippocrates's Aphorisms largely commented upon. The marrow of physick, shewing the causes, signs and cures of most diseases incident to human bodies. Choice experienced receits for the cure of several distempers. Illustrated in its several parts with twelve brass cuts.
  • Mellificium chirurgiae; or, the marrow of chirurgery. With the anatomy of human bodies according to the most modern anatomists, illustrated with many anatomical observations. Institutions of physick, with Hippocrates's aphorisms largely commented upon, The marrow of physick, shewing the causes, signs, and cures of most diseases incident to human bodies ... / [James Cooke].
  • Above, portrait of Daniel Sennert in a roundel; centre, a man representing Experience holds the staff of Aesculapius and a lily, while a woman representing Reason holds a balance and a torch; below, Hippocrates and Hermes shake hands, representing the union of herbal and chemical medicine. Engraving by M. Merian, ca. 1631.
  • Mellificium chirurgiae: or, The marrow of chirurgery. With the anatomy of human bodies according to the most modern anatomists.... Institutions of physick, with Hippocrates's Aphorisms largely commented upon. The marrow of physick, shewing the causes, signs and cures of most diseases incident to human bodies. Choice experienced receits for the cure of several distempers / By James Cooke.
  • Title page from Littre (ed), Oeuvres d'Hippocrate, 1839.
  • Serment d'Hippocrate, précédé d'une notice sur les sermens en médecine / Par J.R. Duval.
  • Serment d'Hippocrate, précédé d'une notice sur les sermens en médecine / Par J.R. Duval.
  • État de la médecine entre Homère & Hippocrate : anatomie, physiologie, pathologie, médecine militaire, histoire des écoles médicales pour faire suite à La médecine dans Homère / par Ch. Daremberg.
  • Œuvres complètes d'Hippocrate / traduction nouvelle avec le texte grec en regard, collationné sur les manuscrits et toutes les éditions; accompagnée d'une introduction, de commentaires médicaux, de variantes et de notes philologiques; suivie d'une table générale des matières. Par É. Littré.
  • Tractatus de vulneribus capitis, in quo omnia, quae ad cognitionem curationemqúe laesionum calvariae attinent, accuratè considerantur, et singula, quae ab Hippocrate tradita sunt in libro ... uberrimis commentariis illustrantur ... Adjecti sunt in calce duo tractatuli: alter de contusione calvariae in pueris, alter de eorumdem hydrocephalo ... / [Giovanni Battista Cortesi].
  • Succenturiatus anatomicus. Continens commentaria in Hippocratem, de capitis vulneribus. Additae in aliquot capita libri VIII C. Celsi explicationes ... / [Pieter Pauw].
  • Wellcome museum: view of the classical gallery, 1946. General view looking north west: bust of Hippocrated in the foreground.
  • Apollonii Citiensis, Stephani, Palladii, Theophili, Meletii, Damascii, Ioannis, aliorum scholia in Hippocratem et Galenum e codicibus MSS. Vindobonens. Monacens. Florentin. Mediolanens. Escorialens., etc / Primum Graece edidit.