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86 results
  • A barber-surgeon attending to a man's forehead. Oil painting.
  • A barber-surgeon attending to a man's forehead. Oil painting.
  • A barber-surgeon attending to a man's forehead. Oil painting.
  • King Louis XIV receives an enema while sitting on a globe of the earth, thus besmearing it with ordure; around him, chaos reigns; symbolising the events following the Protestant rebellions of 1674 including the flight of the royal family from England in 1689. Engraving by R. de Hooghe, c. 1689.
  • King Louis XIV receives an enema while sitting on a globe of the earth, thus besmearing it with ordure; around him, chaos reigns; symbolising the events following the Protestant rebellions of 1674 including the flight of the royal family from England in 1689. Engraving by R. de Hooghe, c. 1689.
  • Three scenes illustrating the vanity of doctors. Lithograph by Béraud.
  • Jean Sylvain Bailly, Mayor of Paris, with his mistress, both represented as chickens. Etching, 1791.
  • An apothecary attempts to give an Englishman an enema but is restrained by an American; medical aid is prevented by a Frenchman and Spaniard; representing the problems caused for the English by the American war for independence. Line engraving, 1778.
  • An apothecary attempts to give an Englishman an enema but is restrained by an American; medical aid is prevented by a Frenchman and Spaniard; representing the problems caused for the English by the American war for independence. Line engraving, 1778.
  • A goat-headed man caresses a sleeping ewe-headed woman; representing the notion of animal magnetism and its application by physicians. Etching after M. Voltz (?), 1815.
  • A goat-headed man caresses a sleeping ewe-headed woman; representing the notion of animal magnetism and its application by physicians. Etching after M. Voltz (?), 1815.
  • At a Great Exhibition a shopkeeper sells enemas concealed in hollow volumes of classic literature for purposes of discretion. Lithograph by C. Vernier, 1844.
  • A man carrying a giant syringe. Pen drawing, ca. 1810.
  • A gentlemen pays an unexpected call on a lady friend only to discover she is in the middle of having an enema. Line engraving by F. Dequevauviller, 1786, after N. Lafrensen the younger.
  • A gentlemen pays an unexpected call on a lady friend only to discover she is in the middle of having an enema. Line engraving by F. Dequevauviller, 1786, after N. Lafrensen the younger.
  • Personifications of medicine, pharmacy and surgery. Oil painting after (?) Nicolas de Larmessin.
  • King Louis XIV in bed, having been told that the rumour of King William III's death was untrue, is treated by physicians and surgeons representing different nations. Etching by P. Bouttats., c. 1690.
  • King Louis XIV in bed, having been told that the rumour of King William III's death was untrue, is treated by physicians and surgeons representing different nations. Etching by P. Bouttats., c. 1690.
  • King Louis XIV in bed, having been told that the rumour of King William III's death was untrue, is treated by physicians and surgeons representing different nations. Etching by P. Bouttats., c. 1690.
  • The rulers of Europe as doctors prescribing remedies for Empress Maria Theresa. Etching and letterpress, 1742.
  • Henry Addington as a medical practitioner bleeding the exhausted John Bull, assisted by other politicians; representing Britain's strength being sapped by nepotism in politics and by war with Napoleon. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1803.
  • A doctor trying to administer medicines to a drunken, carbuncled sailor. Coloured etching by W. Elmes after XYZ.
  • A drunken Bacchus cavorts atop the globe, accompanied by Fortune; to his right physicians and quacks fight for legitimacy; to his left the scales held by a blindfold Justice are tipped by a lawyer's money: an allegory of the world of justice and health overturned into one of chance and greed. Coloured etching by Daniël Veelwaard I after J. Smies, 1809.
  • Mercury lies dying from cholera, surrounded by ministers; representing the sickly state of the French economy in the 1830s. Coloured etching, c. 1832.
  • The countries of Europe representing physicians and surgeons trying to regenerate a woman personifying the Dutch republic. Etching attributed to James Gillray, 1796, after David Hess.
  • Ladies and gentlemen at Bath brawling over the election of the Master of ceremonies. Engraving, 1769.