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413 results
  • In the battle against tuberculosis, a portrait of Calmette, as the saviour of children through his BCG vaccine, invites the purchase of fund-raising stamps. Colour lithograph after H. Cheffer, 1934.
  • In the battle against tuberculosis, a portrait of Calmette, as the saviour of children through his BCG vaccine, invites the purchase of fund-raising stamps. Colour lithograph after H. Cheffer, 1934.
  • The Pasteur Institute, Kasauli, India: production of the rabies vaccine: removing the brain of a dissected rabbit, previously infected with rabies, to place in the prepared petri dish. Photograph, ca. 1910.
  • The Pasteur Institute, Kasauli, India: production of the rabies vaccine: inserting a swab on a wire into the spinal canal of a dissected rabbit, previously infected with rabies. Photograph, ca. 1910.
  • Indagaçao sobre as causas, e effeitos das bexigas de vacca, molestia descoberta em alguns dos condados occidentaes da inglaterra, particularmente na comarca de Gloucester, e conhecida pelo nome de vaccina / [Edward Jenner].
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • Cow-pock inoculation : The following facts are laid before the public for the encouragement of those, who entertain any doubt respecting the efficacy and success of vaccine inoculation ... / [John Theodore Archibald Reed].
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • Cow-pock inoculation : The following facts are laid before the public for the encouragement of those, who entertain any doubt respecting the efficacy and success of vaccine inoculation ... / [John Theodore Archibald Reed].
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • Cow-pock inoculation : The following facts are laid before the public for the encouragement of those, who entertain any doubt respecting the efficacy and success of vaccine inoculation ... / [John Theodore Archibald Reed].
  • Cow-pock inoculation : The following facts are laid before the public for the encouragement of those, who entertain any doubt respecting the efficacy and success of vaccine inoculation ... / [John Theodore Archibald Reed].
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • Orígen y descubrimiento de la vaccina / Traducido del frances con arreglo a las ultimas observaciones hechas hasta el mes de mayo del presente año [1801], y enriquecido con varias notas por ... P.H. Hernandez [Anon].
  • Orígen y descubrimiento de la vaccina / Traducido del frances con arreglo a las ultimas observaciones hechas hasta el mes de mayo del presente año [1801], y enriquecido con varias notas por ... P.H. Hernandez [Anon].
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board, Take Care.
  • A treatise on the cow-pox; containing the history of vaccine inoculation, and an account of the various publications which have appeared on that subject. In Great Britain, and other parts of the world / by John Ring.
  • A treatise on the cow-pox; containing the history of vaccine inoculation, and an account of the various publications which have appeared on that subject. In Great Britain, and other parts of the world / by John Ring.
  • A treatise on the cow-pox; containing the history of vaccine inoculation, and an account of the various publications which have appeared on that subject. In Great Britain, and other parts of the world / by John Ring.
  • A treatise on the cow-pox; containing the history of vaccine inoculation, and an account of the various publications which have appeared on that subject. In Great Britain, and other parts of the world / by John Ring.
  • A mother holding her newborn baby, with a serious expresssion as she realizes its vulnerability to deadly infectious diseases; with a bottle of vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus, advertising vaccination against those diseases. Colour process print by Sadolin, 195-.
  • A condom with an open packet and the message in French: "Those who believe there is a vaccine against AIDS - this is what it looks like"; advertisement by Ministére des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la Ville. Colour lithograph by M. Descottes, 1995 (?).
  • Avis : le public est prévenu que l'Hospice Central de l'Inoculation de la Vaccine est ouvert à tous les pères et mères qui voudront y faire admettre leurs enfans / Les membres du Comité, Thouret, Président; Leroux, Guillotin, Pinel, Parfait, Delaroche, Salmade, Doussin-Dubreuil, Jadelot, Lasteyrie, Marin, Mongenot, et Husson, secrétaire.
  • A comparison between smallpox and cowpox pustules on the 16th day of the disease. Chromolithograph, 1896, after G. Kirtland.
  • A comparison between smallpox and cowpox pustules on the 4th and 5th days of the disease. Chromolithograph, 1896, after G. Kirtland.
  • A comparison between smallpox and cowpox pustules on the 10th and 11th days of the disease. Chromolithograph, 1896, after G. Kirtland.