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  • Antonius Musa as Aesculapius (?). Line engraving by I. Bonaiuti after G.B. Borani.
  • Antonius Musa as Aesculapius (?). Bistre wash with pencil underdrawing.
  • Vincenzo Fabeni. Lithograph by M. Prosperini after Prosdocimi.
  • Francesco Cortese. Lithograph by M. Prosperini after A. Rochini.
  • John Hunter. Mezzotint after Sir J. Reynolds, 1786.
  • Saint Christopher. Woodcut attributed to W.Y. Ottley.
  • Camel sculptures on the road to the Ming tombs outside Peking. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Galileo Galilei. Mezzotint, 17--.
  • Badaling, Pechili province, China: part of the Great Wall of China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Georg Heinrich von Langsdorff. Stipple engraving by F.L. Lehmann, 1809, after L.H. Bojanus.
  • Jean Paul Marat. Coloured etching by J. L. Copia after J. L. David, [1793].
  • A surgical operation. Oil painting by Reginald Brill, 1934-1935.
  • A surgical operation. Oil painting by Reginald Brill, 1934-1935.
  • A surgical operation. Oil painting by Reginald Brill, 1934-1935.
  • Ming tombs, Peking: the Lingendian (Hall of Prominent Favour) at Changling. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Biyunsi (Temple of Azure Clouds), Beijing: the Jingangta (Diamond Sutra Pagoda), viewed through a a memorial arch. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Temple of Confucius (Kong Miao), Peking: Hall of Great Accomplishment (Dachengdian), interior with altar and tablet to Confucius. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Temple of Confucius (Kong Miao), Peking: Hall of Great Accomplishment (Dachengdian), interior with altar and tablet to Confucius. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Line engraving by M. Salvador Carmona, 1763, after R. Gardelle, 1754.
  • Ysbrandt van Diemerbroeck. Line engraving after R. de Hooghe.
  • The emblematic figure of a man representing secularisation, technical innovation, educational reforms and liberal politics in the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1830.
  • George Rose, in profile, in a roundel. Stipple engraving by T. Blood after A. Wivell, 1818.
  • Hall of Classics (Guozijian), Peking: a triple archway of sculpted marble leading to the hall. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Hall of Classics (Guozijian), Peking: a triple archway of sculpted marble leading to the hall. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • William Hunter. Line engraving, 1783, after M. Chamberlin after J. Zoffany.
  • Playground of the Home and Colonial Infant School Society, London. Wood engraving, c. 1840.
  • Christmas benefit at University College Hospital, London. Wood engraving after G. Durand, 1874.
  • Christmas benefit at University College Hospital, London. Wood engraving after G. Durand, 1874.
  • Sir Matthew Wood. Mezzotint by W. Dickinson, 1817, after Lady Bell.
  • James Bradley. Mezzotint by J. Faber after Thomas Hudson.