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112 results
  • The silhouettes of a couple walking hand in hand against a sunset with a condom representing the sun; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Programme National de lutte contre le SIDA, Ministère de la Santé Publique, Maroc with assistance from the FNUAP, Maroc. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Notice for an exhibition and conference on HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in Ethiopia. Colour lithograph by the Ethiopian Medical Association, 2001.
  • Datasheet on population and development indicators from the 1999 Kenya Population and Housing Census. Colour lithograph by Central Bureau of Statistics, 1999.
  • National week for the promotion of the health of mother and child in Djibouti in 2005. Colour lithograph by Ministère de la Santé and Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, 2005.
  • An American man is watching a procession that includes a German anarchist, a Russian nihilist, a Native American, an Englishman etc. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 11 April 1891.
  • The Duke of Wellington and Lord Nelson standing in a room by a table; Nelson pointing at a map of Southern Europe. Mezzotint by S.W. Reynolds after J.P. Knight, ca. 1839.
  • Two people hugging, with list of ways of taking care for people with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph for the National AIDS Strategy, Health Canada.
  • Two people hugging, with list of ways of taking care for people with HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph for the National AIDS Strategy, Health Canada.
  • A weight-lifter sits on a bench with his weights at his side as someone offers him a steroid injection; a warning not to share vials and used needles for steroids; advertisement for The Steroid Project as part of the Kingston AIDS Project funded by the National AIDS Strategy, Health Canada. Colour lithograph by Alice Whissell.
  • Washington D.C: Pennsylvania Avenue and 4 street (?). Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • A black chain in splattered ink is broken up with the words 'Time to act' as an advertisement for World Aids Day, 1st December 1993. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • Two black actors, Gregory and Brown, one in drag, dancing the Cake-Walk in Paris. Photographic postcard, 1903.
  • Two black actors, Gregory and Brown, one in drag, dancing the Cake-Walk in Paris. Photographic postcard, 1903.
  • A couple with their child beneath an umbrella bearing the letters 'PF: National Programme of family planning in Senegal. Colour lithograph by Ministère de la Santé et de l'Action Sociale, ca. 2000.
  • An Asian man sits beside a woman at a desk with a phone; an advertisement for the Hounslow Council's AIDS/HIV policy. Colour lithograph.
  • A woman holds open a door bearing sign 'Jillian Doran: Health Advisor' with text explaining process of HIV testing; an advertisement by the Hounslow Council's Corporate AIDS/HIV Unit. Colour lithograph.
  • A naked black woman leans back holding a condom behind her back; a safe-sex advertisement by the National AIDS Programme of Trinidad & Tobago. Lithograph by Jeffrey Chock, ca. 1995.
  • A naked black man hides a condom behind his back as he sits with his female partner; a safe-sex advertisement by the National AIDS Programme of Trinidad & Tobago. Lithograph by Jeffrey Chock, ca. 1995.
  • A weight-lifter sits on a bench with his weights at his side as someone offers him a steroid injection; a warning not to share vials and used needles for steroids; advertisement for The Steroid Project as part of the Kingston AIDS Project funded by the National AIDS Strategy, Health Canada. Colour lithograph by Alice Whissell.
  • The brothers Johan de Witt and his brother Cornelius tortured, disembowelled and torn to pieces in the market-place of The Hague in 1672. Etching.
  • Members of the British National Hospital Service Reserve attending to someone who has been injured; advertising recuitment to the National Hospital Service Reserve. Colour lithograph, 1951 (?).
  • Verso: two people hugging with list of ways of taking care from washing your hands to compassionate care for people with HIV/AIDS (English version); part of a project by the National AIDS Strategy, Health Canada. Colour lithograph.
  • Four scenes involving health workers advising young men and women in Senegal. Colour lithograph by Senegal Service National de la Sante Reproductive, ca. 2002.
  • A health worker inviting two young men and two young women into a Senegal health center. Colour lithograph by Senegal Service National de la Sante Reproductive, ca. 2000.
  • Workers planting a tree representing the health of the people. Colour lithograph, 192-.
  • A group of young people going into an information health centre in Senegal. Colour lithograph by Senegal Service National de la Sante Reproductive, ca. 2000.
  • A man in shorts and t-shirt bearing label 'Hounslow Leisure' sitting on a seat in a swimming pool; an advertisement for safe sex by the Hounslow Council's Corporate AIDS/HIV Unit. Colour lithograph.
  • A red and pink ribbon against a rainbow of colours and a quotation from Mother Jones to pray for the dead and fight for the living; with an advertisement by the Syracuse Cultural Workers. Colour lithograph by Amy E. Bartell, 1995.
  • The funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth (Elizabeth of York) in 1503. Etching with engraving, 1784.
  • Rita Levi-Montalcini.