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321 results
  • Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis): fruiting stem with separate leaf, fruit, flowers and fruit segment. Coloured lithograph after M. A. Burnett, c. 1843.
  • Singapore: two large traveller's palms (Ravenala madagascariensis) in the garden of a club house. Photograph by J. Taylor, 1881.
  • Melon (Cucumis melo): stem with large fruit and flowers. Coloured lithograph after M. A. Burnett, c. 1843.
  • Pomegranate (Punica granatum): flowering stem, fruit and seeds. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Melon (Cucumis melo): stem with large fruit and flowers. Coloured lithograph after M. A. Burnett, c. 1843.
  • Two water chestnuts (Eleocharis dulcis) and a root of Shan kui. Watercolour.
  • Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis): fruiting branch. Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1796, after J. Ihle.
  • Custard apple or Bullock's heart (Annona reticulata L.): fruiting branch with sections of fruit and seeds. Chromolithograph by P. Depannemaeker, c. 1885, after B. Hoola van Nooten.
  • Passion flower (Passiflora species): twining stem with flowers and fruit. Pen drawing.
  • A stand of traveller's palms (Ravenala madagascariensis) in Madagascar. Wood engraving, c. 1867.
  • Two banana plants (Musa species), one with fruit, in Guyana. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.
  • A bunch of bananas (Musa species) and a bunch of plantains (Musa x paradisiaca). Coloured lithograph by R. Bridgens, c. 1836, after himself.
  • Coffee plant (Coffea arabica): fruiting stem. Watercolour, c.1823.
  • Coffee plant (Coffea arabica): flowering and fruiting stem. Watercolour.
  • Passion flower (Passiflora alata): flowering stem. Watercolour, ca. 1850 (?).
  • A dayflower (Commelina species): flowering stem with separate flower. Watercolour.
  • Papaya, pawpaw or melon tree (Carica papaya L.): flowering and fruiting tree with flowers and fruit lying on the ground beneath. Etching by G. D. Ehret, 1742, after himself.
  • Palm tree (Inaja palm) with man standing beneath. Wood engraving, c. 1867.
  • A plant (Brucea species): flowering stem with floral segments. Coloured etching by J.F. Miller, c.1796, after himself.
  • A plant (Saraca declinata Miq.) related to the asoka tree: flowering and fruiting shoot with separate numbered flowers, seeds and germinating seed. Chromolithograph by P. Depannemaeker, c.1885, after B. Hoola van Nooten.
  • Passion flower (Passiflora species): flowering stem. Watercolour.
  • Fruits from the East Indies, including piek (?Nipa fruticans - the Nipa palm) and froete mieri and tiackou (?Artocarpus integrifolia), in separate plates. Engraving by M. Pool after C. de Bruin, 1706.
  • Citron (Citrus medica): fruiting branch. Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1800, after J. Ihle.
  • Elephant apple plant (Limonia acidissima) with sectioned fruit, and two liver flukes (Fasciola species). Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1805, after J. Ihle.
  • Two plants (Pisonia sylvestris and Pisonia alba ): flowering and leafy shoots with separate numbered flower and fruit sections. Chromolithograph by P. Depannemaeker, c.1885, after B. Hoola van Nooten.
  • Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis): flowering stem, fruit and floral segments. Engraving with etching, c. 1828, after J. Hart.
  • Screwpine plants (Pandanus muricatus) on a lakeside. Wood engraving, c. 1867.
  • Dwarf palms in a Madagascarn rainforest. Wood engraving, c. 1867.
  • Bromelia karatas L.: flowering stem with roots and separate sections of fruit with seed. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1770.
  • Bromelia karatas L.: longitudinal section of flowering stem with roots. Coloured engraving after F. von Scheidl, 1770.