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195 results
  • The jagged edges of a metal fastening band which has broken around a crate. Colour lithograph after L. Cusden, ca. 1940-1950.
  • An orange sea-horse with a serrated back like a circular saw, against which two medical auxiliaries carry an injured man on a stretcher. Colour lithograph after Pat Keely, 1945.
  • An artificial hand holding a sheet of glass. Colour lithograph after G.R. Morris, 1945.
  • A lathe in use. Colour lithograph after Arthur G. Mills.
  • An adjustable spanner placed on a girder from which it could fall. Colour lithograph after Blake.
  • Bent nails protruding from the lid of an opened crate. Colour lithograph after L. Cusden.
  • A hornet, and a metal band which has sprung loose from around a crate, comparing the effects of the two. Colour lithograph after G.R. Morris.
  • A circular saw properly set up and equipped. Colour lithograph after Pat Keely, 1943.
  • A lathe in use. Colour lithograph after L. Cusden.
  • A booted foot about to tread on hazards (shown as vignettes): a loose bolt on the ground, defective floorboards, and untied laces). Colour lithograph after Arthur G. Mills.
  • Men and women from all walks of life including a man in army camouflage uniform, a nurse, a businessman wearing a suit and briefcase and a painter; an advertisement for the Tanzania AIDS Project by USAID and AIDSCap. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A woman standing at the wet roadside holding an umbrella against the rain. Colour lithograph after L. Cusden.
  • A man, seen in silhouette wearing a hat, driving a car, the speedometer of which is going over the 30 miles per hour mark which is in the form of a road sign indicating the speed limit. Colour lithograph after Pat Keely, 1947.
  • An animated pedestrian crossing sign hung with a blackboard containing a message of caution in crossing the road. Colour lithograph after L. Cusden, ca. 1940-1950.
  • A denim jacket with a badge bearing the letters 'silence=death'; warning about the need to be open about AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • An opened electric plug, an electric flex with exposed wires, and a newspaper article about death caused by a wrongly wired plug. Colour lithograph after Robin Day.
  • The needle of a syringe pointing to a swirling circle of the repeated words in Galician 'Cambiamos chutas usadas por chutas nouas' with the end of a syringe disappearing to the right; a message to drug users to exchange used syringes for new syringes to prevent AIDS; an advertisement by the Comité Cidadán Galego Anti-SIDA. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Phrenology: the human and animal brain, the location of its functions according to the principles of phrenology, and personalia of phrenologists. Photographs, drawings and newsletters.
  • Phrenology: the human and animal brain, the location of its functions according to the principles of phrenology, and personalia of phrenologists. Photographs, drawings and newsletters.
  • Phrenology: the human and animal brain, the location of its functions according to the principles of phrenology, and personalia of phrenologists. Photographs, drawings and newsletters.
  • A crowd of people appearing to wait with the message 'All are equal before the [HIV] virus'; an advertisement for the AIDS helpline by the Steirische AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph after Heimo Binder.
  • A careless lathe operator getting his tie caught in the lathe. Colour lithograph after P. Mendoza, 1943.
  • The head of a cat with green eyes wide open above a road. Colour lithograph after L. Cusden.
  • A family of three talk to a family planning adviser in Ghana. Colour lithograph, ca. 2000.
  • A procession of people with paper lanterns walking down a street at night; advertisment for Children Living with Aids in support of World Aids Day. Colour lithograph by North Staffordshire Health, 1996.
  • A woman riding a horse uses a bottle of China-Rossi tonic as a whip. Colour lithograph by RB (?), 19--.
  • Vajrayogini (Tibetan rDo-rje rNal-byor-ma) and her retinue. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Vajrayogini (Tibetan rDo-rje rNal-byor-ma) and her retinue. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • The naked back of a man hugging wrapped in a sheet with his arms wrapped around himself; with the message there is no sunshine for an HIV positive gay man; an advertisement for solidarity for gay and lesbians with HIV by the Coordinadora gai-lesbiana. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A black chain in splattered ink is broken up with the words 'Time to act' as an advertisement for World Aids Day, 1st December 1993. Colour lithograph, 1993.