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565 results
  • Fragment of tomb-relief: winged putto, snake, physician
  • Stone camels along the approach to Yung-lo's tomb.
  • Stone camels along the approach to Yung-lo's tomb.
  • Oliver Goldsmith : his tomb in 1860. Wood engraving.
  • Beni-Hassan tomb, Egypt, The manufacture of flint knives.
  • Beni-Hassan tomb, Egypt, The manufacture of flint knives.
  • Rome: tomb of Augustus. Coloured engraving, ca. 1804-1811.
  • The tomb of Paracelsus: the obelus (upper part). Photograph, 19--.
  • Egypt, wigs with cones of unguent, Tomb of Userhat, Thebes.
  • Christ rises from his tomb bearing a flag. Watercolour painting.
  • High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire: tomb of William Henry Kirby. Photograph, 19--.
  • Tomb of Saint Thomas of Canterbury. Engraving by R. Vaughan.
  • The tomb of Sultan Mehmed I in his mausoleum (the Green tomb) at Brusa, Turkey. Engraving by G. Presbury after W.H. Leitch after T. Allom, ca. 1836.
  • Jesus Christ raises Lazarus from his tomb. Coloured woodcut, ca. 1510.
  • Jesus Christ raises Lazarus from his tomb. Coloured woodcut, ca. 1510.
  • Christ raises Lazarus from his tomb. Etching by G.B. Castiglione.
  • Christ raises Lazarus from his tomb. Etching by S. Castiglione, 1645.
  • The tomb of Mausolus at Halicarnassus. Coloured engraving, ca. 1804-1811.
  • The tomb of Madame Langhans showing a young woman clutching her baby and breaking through the lid of the tomb rising upwards. Line engraving with etching after J.A. Nahl.
  • The tomb of Madame Langhans showing a young woman clutching her baby and breaking through the lid of the tomb rising upwards. Line engraving with etching after J.A. Nahl.
  • The tomb of Paracelsus: the base (lower part), with epitaph. Photograph, 19--.
  • Les Invalides, Paris: entrance to the crypt of Napoleon's tomb. Wood engraving.
  • Auxerre, France: tomb of Paul Bert, covered with wreaths of flowers. Photograph.
  • Tomb of Saint Carlo Borromeo. Aquatint by D. Landini after G. Castellini.
  • The tomb of Louis Pasteur at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. Halftone.
  • Christ's body is carried to its tomb. Etching after Raphael, 1506-7.
  • Plaque in tomb relief showing mother and child, Ostia, 50 A.D
  • Mars lies in his monumental tomb and is surrounded by soldiers. Etching.
  • Clemens Peter Pirquet, Freiherr von Cesenatico: unveiling of his tomb. Photograph, 1930.
  • India: a tomb in Kootub near Delhi. Photograph by F. Beato, c. 1858.