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69 results
  • Physicas Hildegardis : Elementorum, fluminum aliquot Germaniae, metallorum, leguminum, fructuum, & herbarum: arborum, & arbustorum: piscium deni[que], volatilium, & animantium terrae naturas & operationes : IIII. Libris mirabili experientia posteritati tradens. Oribasii medici de simplicibus libri quinque. Theodori physici dieta, docens quibusnam salubriter utendum, uel abstinendum. Esculapii liber vnus, de morborum, infirmitatum, passionum[que] corporis humani caussis, descriptionibus, & cura.
  • A large gathering of patients and assistants to Mesmer's animal magnetism therapy, showing use of the special tub at his clinic. Wood engraving by H. Thiriat.
  • A large gathering of patients and assistants to Mesmer's animal magnetism therapy, showing use of the special tub at his clinic. Wood engraving by H. Thiriat.
  • Two women comforting a boy while a monk sits beside in despair. Wood engraving after Jessie MacGregor, 1872.
  • A horse-drawn hearse pulls away from a doctor's; representing the dire state of the medical establishment according to James Morison, pill-vendor and self-styled 'Hygeian'. Lithograph, c. 1848.
  • A family doctor, an obstetrician, a sensationalist author-doctor and a hypnotist; all pruriently satirised under the guise of moralism, as promoted by James Morison and his pharmaceutical company. Lithograph, 1852.
  • A family doctor, an obstetrician, a sensationalist author-doctor and a hypnotist; all pruriently satirised under the guise of moralism, as promoted by James Morison and his pharmaceutical company. Lithograph, 1852.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor and tooth-drawer with his company, performing operations and offering medicines for sale from a waggon to a crowd of people in Rome. Wood engraving, 1872.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor and tooth-drawer with his company, performing operations and offering medicines for sale from a waggon to a crowd of people in Rome. Wood engraving, 1872.