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417 results
  • A man and woman smiling at their baby: preventing malaria in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health Division of Malaria Control, ca. 2000.
  • Five smiling elephants with condoms rolled on their trunks approving the use of condoms as a protection against AIDS. Colour lithograph after Studio Art, 1993.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including Napoleon III on horseback with a smiling Queen Victoria, a flag-draped coffin, and a battle. Coloured lithograph, [c.1867?].
  • A woman smiling with a warning about the invisible signs of having HIV; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph, 1991.
  • A smiling man wearing a white t-shirt representing an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the Coordinadora gai-lesbiana. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A smiling couple stand in front of rows of bread with small pictures showing different types of contraception below: contraception choices in Ghana. Colour lithograph, 2001.
  • A smiling woman bends down to communicate with a man with chronic illness; representing the need to protect the chronically sick against AIDS. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • Advert for Mr Smedley's Dental Surgery offering modern dentistry and reduced fees to servants and others of limited means. Picture of a smiling woman with ornate hairdo.
  • A crowd brandishing banners and toothbrushes stand upon a personified smiling world: promoting dental hygiene to mark World Health Day in Tanzania. Colour lithograph by Unicef, 1994.
  • A black man and a white woman sitting on a striped sofa smiling as they read a book together; representing "buddies" who befriending people with AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • A smiling couple in traditional Maldivian dress with a green hut and palm tree in the background with Maldivian (Divehi) lettering; an AIDS prevention advertisement. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A physician stirring medicine in a cup which is refused by a repulsed little girl, her mother stands behind her smiling. Mezzotint by J. Jervis, 1842, after W. White.
  • A physician stirring medicine in a cup which is refused by a repulsed little girl, her mother stands behind her smiling. Mezzotint by J. Jervis, 1842, after W. White.
  • A smiling elderly man gestures towards a happy family selling their clothing wares: child spacing and family planning in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Federal Ministry of Health, ca. 1996.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including a seated Napoleon III with a smiling Queen Victoria, a woman pursued by a polar bear, and a battle in Russia. Coloured lithograph, [c.1867?].
  • The word 'vie' (life) changed to 'vih' (HIV) over a smiling skull-like face representing the loss of life due to AIDS. Colour silk screen print after W. Jeker, 1993.
  • A rural physician giving an elderly woman a tablet, which she views suspiciously, a younger woman stands smiling in the background. Colour stipple engraving by J. Cary, 1786, after H. Taylor.
  • A woman sits smiling between two men with an interview about how to deal with your friends getting AIDS; advertisement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Lithograph.
  • A rural physician giving an elderly woman a tablet, she views it suspiciously, a younger woman stands smiling in the background. Colour stipple engraving by J. Cary, 1786, after H. Taylor.
  • A young man in ragged clothes leaning against the stump of a tree in the moonlight smiling benignly at his sleeping dog on the ground. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1816.
  • The refurbishment (or building) of a Lock Hospital; men with various ailments are stepping out of Pandora's box; a rich, smiling, doctor drives by in a carriage. Coloured etching by T. Williamson, 1802.
  • Two men in briefs sit smiling at each other at the edge of a swimming pool; an advertisement for safe sex by the Health Education Authority for the National Aids Helpline. Colour lithograph.
  • Nepal; Sherpa children of the Khumbu, 1986. Two smiling children share an amusing moment in the village of Phakding (altitude 3000 metres). Their clothing highlights the poverty of some of the Sherpa families.
  • Sir Charles Wetherell collapsed in a chair surrounded by both smiling and weeping fellow politicians; referring to reactions to the Plan of Reform which disenfranchised sixty boroughs. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1831.
  • Two men in briefs sit smiling at each other at the edge of a swimming pool; an advertisement for safe sex by the Health Education Authority for the National Aids Helpline. Colour lithograph.
  • A young man leans over the back of the young woman's chair and she is smiling as she holds the flower in her hand. Wood engraving by R. Bong X.A. after E. Meisel.
  • A family playing cards: the husband is looking over his wife's shoulder at her cards, the child is smiling but the old lady seems to have fallen asleep. Engraving by John Burnet after himself.
  • A smiling sailor holds up a condom; another sailor with his trousers down stands towards a wall with one arm raised; advertisement for gay men to use precautions by Gay Men Fighting Aids. Colour lithograph.
  • A smiling sailor holds up a condom; another sailor with his trousers down stands towards a wall with one arm raised; advertisement for gay men to use precautions by Gay Men Fighting Aids. Colour lithograph.
  • A personified condom lying back smiling as he snoozes with the message 'When you're abroad, take it easy! AIDS is transmitted by sexual contact - condoms protect'; an advertisement by Helsedirektoratet. Colour lithograph, 1986.