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551 results
  • A woman holding up packets of condoms from a box opened by a man standing beside her; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the STD/AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Colour lithograph by Tahley (?), 1995.
  • A ribbed condom against a black background representing a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Departemento de Enfermedades de Transmision Sexual, Venezuela. Colour lithograph, ca.
  • A personified condom called 'Charlie' representing a safe-sex advertisement by the National AIDS Programme of Guyana. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A woman and a man make gestures advertising safe sex to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph for the Ministério da Saúde, Brazil, Programa Nacional de controle das DST/AIDS, ca. 1995.
  • A man with his wife and family crosses a zebra crossing while swivelling his head back to admire two passing women representing a warning about the risks of new sexual partners and AIDS; an advertisement by the AIDS Control Project in Hyderabad. Colour lithograph, ca. 1990.
  • A baby crawling to the left representing a warning about good sexual health to prevent birth defects, STD's and AIDS; a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A list of 6 key messages about HIV/AIDS, STD's and pregnancy for young people in Jamaica by the Jamaica Red Cross Society. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An alphabet bearing letters relating to the symptoms of various sexually transmitted diseases; includes blisters, burning and discharge with a warning that HIV is not so visible (non-English version). Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A list of 6 key messages about HIV/AIDS, STD's and pregnancy for young people in Jamaica by the Jamaica Red Cross Society. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An alphabet bearing letters relating to the symptoms of various sexually transmitted diseases; includes blisters, burning and discharge with a warning that HIV is not so visible (non-English version). Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • An alphabet bearing letters relating to the symptoms of various sexually transmitted diseases; includes blisters, burning and discharge with a warning that HIV is not so visible. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A man lying back on a woman with the title 'Otrohet & herpes' with a warning about the dangers of infidelity and STDs like herpes in Swedish. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A couple caress within a bag full of water that is suspended against a collage of faces, labels and the lettering 'who', 'sex', 'love' and 'no'; representing an advertisement for safe sex helplines by Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Colour lithograph by Kevan Way, 1995.
  • Caution against sexually transmitted disease. Colour lithograph after A. Games, 1941.
  • Durex : now easy-on : extra safe : 3 spermicidally lubricated condoms / SSL International.
  • Durex : now easy-on : extra safe : 3 spermicidally lubricated condoms / SSL International.
  • A man with his wife and family crosses a zebra crossing while swivelling his head back to admire two passing women representing a warning about the risks of new sexual partners and AIDS; an advertisement by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • A man apparently with an STD looking alarmed as he holds up a sheet to cover his genital area; with three further anxious men and women with similar complaints to the right; a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A message about community commitment towards condoms and safe sex to prevent AIDS; an advertisement by the National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Zimbabwe. Colour lithograph by Visual Graphics, ca. 1995.
  • A man and woman standing beneath an umbrella protecting them from rain pouring down from the word 'AIDS; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the STD/AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda with the assistance of USAID. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • A man and woman standing beneath an umbrella bearing safe sex messages as the centrepiece of a calendar for 1996 by the STD/AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Colour lithograph by Tahley (?), 1996.
  • A man and woman standing beneath an umbrella protecting them from rain pouring down from the word 'AIDS; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the STD/AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • Coloured condoms and streamers representing the carnival in Brazil; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the Ministério de Saude Programa Nacional de Controle das DST/AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A baby crawling to the left representing a warning about good sexual health to prevent birth defects, STDs and AIDS (Hindi version); a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • Cover me : sexual health is important for men : look after  your... sexual health safe and use a condom / Health Education Authority.
  • Cover me : sexual health is important for men : look after  your... sexual health safe and use a condom / Health Education Authority.
  • Button up : sexually transmitted infections are more common than you might think ... : look after  your... sexual health safe and use a condom / Health Education Authority.
  • Button up : sexually transmitted infections are more common than you might think ... : look after  your... sexual health safe and use a condom / Health Education Authority.
  • The cool lovers guide to slick condom use / Brook Publications.
  • Ce soir tu risques de coucher avec Léo qui a couché avec alexandre et Hervé qui ont couché avec Pat qui a couché avec Hypolite ... / Ministère de la Santé et des Sports ; INPES, Institut National de Prévention et d'Éducation pour la Santé.