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279 results
  • A lathe in use. Colour lithograph after Arthur G. Mills.
  • Bent nails protruding from the lid of an opened crate. Colour lithograph after L. Cusden.
  • An animated pedestrian crossing sign hung with a blackboard containing a message of caution in crossing the road. Colour lithograph after L. Cusden, ca. 1940-1950.
  • A booted foot about to tread on hazards (shown as vignettes): a loose bolt on the ground, defective floorboards, and untied laces). Colour lithograph after Arthur G. Mills.
  • A man in protective costume, while doing dangerous work, uses a canvas screen to protect others from risk. Colour lithograph after Ludwig, 1950.
  • A man, seen in silhouette wearing a hat, driving a car, the speedometer of which is going over the 30 miles per hour mark which is in the form of a road sign indicating the speed limit. Colour lithograph after Pat Keely, 1947.
  • A man alighting from a bus into the path of the bus following. Colour lithograph after Robin Day.
  • An infected hand being raised in salute to a skull, representing the fatal effect of septicaemia. Lithograph after Pat Keely, 1943.
  • Meat handler: skin lesion of anthrax
  • Impetigo on meat handler's face
  • Erysipeloid in man - from meat handling
  • Erysipeloid in man - from meat handling
  • Meat handler: satelite lesions, erythema
  • Later orf lesion in a sheep.
  • Sub-conjunctival haemorrhages in human
  • Early orf lesion in a sheep.
  • Long chains of anthrax bacilli stained by Gram,
  • Leptospira organisms: microscopic view
  • Infected tissue culture cells
  • Salmonella colonies - MacConkey's Medium
  • Orf virus under electron microscope
  • A man with an injured back after lifting a crate of heavy metal bolts; with diagrams of the approved and disapproved methods of lifting. Colour lithograph after K-S.
  • A hand injured by a wooden stick which is also a pole bearing Germanic lettering and a swastika, comparing Germany in wartime to germs. Colour lithograph after H.A. Rothholz.
  • The hand of a factory worker clutching his foot because he has knocked it against a heavy cogwheel lying on the ground. Colour lithograph after Arthur G. Mills.
  • An orange sea-horse with a serrated back like a circular saw, against which two medical auxiliaries carry an injured man on a stretcher. Colour lithograph after Pat Keely, 1945.
  • A hornet, and a metal band which has sprung loose from around a crate, comparing the effects of the two. Colour lithograph after G.R. Morris.
  • A frayed steel cable with dangerous, jagged projections. Colour lithograph after Pat Keely, 1945.
  • A careless lathe operator getting his tie caught in the lathe. Colour lithograph after P. Mendoza, 1943.
  • A spanner and an adjustable spanner, as if in conversation, standing against a brick wall covered with a spider's web. Colour lithograph after G.R. Morris, 1945.
  • The face of the Japanese emperor represented as a yellow sun issuing red rays. Colour lithograph after H.A. Rothholz, 1945.