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86 results
  • The naked are led to hell on the day of judgement. Etching.
  • The rake carouses in a tavern full of prostitutes. Engraving by Thomas Bowles, 1735.
  • A skeletal figure riding a horse past a church and the devil; representing an apothecary and his remedies. Etching after R. Easton.
  • A skeletal figure riding a horse past a church and the devil; representing an apothecary and his remedies. Etching after R. Easton.
  • Five elderly ladies caricatured as young women performing a sacrifice in a classical tableau. Etching by J. Gillray, 1787.
  • Journée mondiale de lutte contre le sida : 1er décembre 1995 : la Réunion des musées nationaux s'engage / Commission sociale de la Réunion des musées nationaux.
  • Journée mondiale de lutte contre le sida : 1er décembre 1995 : la Réunion des musées nationaux s'engage / Commission sociale de la Réunion des musées nationaux.
  • A hypochondriac patient consulting a cynical physician: the patient is healthy, but the physician will provide a treatment that will produce some symptoms of ill-health. Pen drawing, 183-(?).
  • A man is playing a fiddle as a group of men and women dance around the equestrian statue of Henri IV on the Pont Neuf in Paris. Aquatint with etching, 1822.
  • A regal Mary (or Wisdom?), as the Church of the Last Judgement, flanked by angels. Line engraving by T. de Leu.
  • A naked athlete being electrified to show the effect of "Chanteclair" embrocation. Colour lithograph by M. Liebeaux, ca. 1910 (?).
  • A naked athlete being electrified to show the effect of "Chanteclair" embrocation. Colour lithograph by M. Liebeaux, ca. 1910 (?).
  • Three despairing women, one of whom looks disapprovingly at three quack medicine vendors concocting a mixture; representing Britain's economic depletion and distress at the hands of her politicians. Etching by W. Heath, 1830.
  • Two old gouty men dancing with bandaged legs, an old nurse is holding their crutches, behind her is a gleeful doctor. Coloured aquatint, 1801.
  • Two men seated at a table, drinking: one has his glass raised, and the other is joining in the toast. Mezzotint by W. Say after H. Fradelle.
  • The heavens open on the day of judgement; Christ appears above the coast of the Netherlands. Engraving, 16th century.
  • Adam overlooks the Garden of Eden. Etching by J.E. Ridinger after himself, c. 1750.
  • Christ on the Cross. Coloured woodcut and letterpress.
  • A crowned woman in red holding a rose-topped caduceus; she is suspended in a circle of water; a cherub blows wind from above; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • A queen in red is presented with dishes of blood on a hill; below, a man in a white robe gesticulates to the heavens; while another man stands next to alchemical apparatus, facing a man who is lying sick in bed; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • Two peasants hold a red robe; cherubs blow wind and Mercury rests on water below; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • A human body is consumed by a furnace; a woman holds a small red limbless effigy bearing a crown; a man holds a sheaf, and another a stick; below, by another furnace, a green and red dragon face each other, poised for combat; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • A red-faced king stands in a red robe, flanked by a queen and the deity Mercury in green clothes; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • Saint Gregory the Great, dictating his homilies on the prophet Ezechiel, is visited by the Holy Ghost. Engraving by L.A. Martinet, 1770, after C. van Loo.
  • A withered tree bearing apples labelled with sins; representing the life of the base, 'natural' man. Etching, 1771, after J. Bakewell.
  • Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis. Line engraving by J. Daullé and J.G. Wille, 1741, after R. Levrac-Tournières, 1737.