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517 results
  • A Muslim priest and a woman, with mosques and minarets in the background. Gouache drawing, 18--.
  • A couple stand before a priest in a pulpit as they take their marriage vows. Engraving.
  • Four pallbearers in Mexican dress carrying a coffin behind a priest into a church. Coloured lithograph.
  • A priest administering the sacrament of extreme unction to a dying woman. Wood engraving by N. Knilling.
  • A Christian-Roman soldier is administered extreme unction by a priest. Etching by Beyer after N. Poussin.
  • Roman soldiers beat Christ before the high priest. Line engraving by J. Sadeler, 1589, after C. Schwartz.
  • Nagasaki, Japan: the Daion-ji Temple: priest with samurai and attendants. Photograph by Felice Beato, ca. 1868.
  • An epileptic being restrained by another man is brought before a priest to be blessed. Ink drawing.
  • A priest interrupted at his prayers by an elderly and a young woman. Engraving by N. Bart.
  • A man and a woman are being married by the priest with many guests in attendance. Engraving.
  • On his deathbed a priest and various monsters try to persuade the sinner to repent. Colour lithograph.
  • Christ brought by Roman soldiers before the high priest Annas. Engraving by C. Bouzonnet Stella after J. Stella.
  • Saint Jerome: he is ordained priest. Engraving by C.N. Cochin the elder, 1736, after B. de Boullogne.
  • A sick patient surrounded by family and visited by a priest. Stipple engraving by Middlemist after T. Stothard.
  • A priest pouring Elisir del Prete into a cup; advertising the tonic Elisir del Prete. Colour lithograph, ca. 1910.
  • A priest pouring Elisir del Prete into a cup; advertising the tonic Elisir del Prete. Colour lithograph, ca. 1910.
  • The presentation of Jesus to the high priest at the Temple. Engraving by C. Cort, 1568, after F. Zuccaro.
  • The presentation of Jesus to Simeon, or to a priest of the Temple. Engraving with stipple after F. Bonsignori.
  • Christ stands before the high priest; Peter denies knowledge of Christ. Line engraving by B. Bartoccini after F. Overbeck.
  • Three people praying around the bed of a sick man, one is a priest. Line engraving by I. Taylor.
  • A bishop ordains John Horne Tooke as a priest: the devil replaces the ordinand's virtues with vices. Engraving, 1771.
  • A brigand on his cart to execution confesses to the priest. Mezzotint by H. Dawe after H. Vernet, 1833.
  • A priest performing a ceremony on board a ship containing the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte. Lithograph by J. Arnout.
  • Lourdes, France: a hospital ward: a priest and a nurse by the bed of a boy. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Pilgrims with roses worship a snake shrine while a Brahmin priest and attendants pray during a snake festival. Gouache drawing.
  • Pilgrims with roses worship a snake shrine while a Brahmin priest and attendants pray during a snake festival. Gouache drawing.
  • Lourdes, France: the blessing of sick pilgrims by a priest bearing a monstrance, followed by a procession. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • A man in a monk's habit is buried alive with a Jesuit priest and spectators bearing halberds looking on. Etching.
  • A death-bed scene of man being read his last rites surrounded by his family, the priest and courtiers. Etching.
  • A man kneeling before an altar and receiving the sacrament from a priest. Drawing attributed to Pieter de Jode I.