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104 results
  • A long queue (line) of angry patients agitating outside the house of a doctor (surgeon-apothecary); he squirts a syringe at them from an upstairs room. Watercolour, ca. 1800.
  • Three episodes about Mr. Randle looking after Mr. Muff's surgery while he was away in London at Mr. Rapp's party. Letterpress and wood engraving.
  • A long queue (line) of angry patients agitating outside the house of a doctor (surgeon-apothecary); he squirts a syringe at them from an upstairs room. Watercolour, ca. 1800.
  • Matthew Manna, a country apothecary outside his shop. Etching by M. Darly, 1773, after R.St. G. Mansergh.
  • A man on a bicycle with a physician riding pillion; advertising the film "When father fetched the doctor". Colour lithograph, 191-.
  • A rural physician giving an elderly woman a tablet, which she views suspiciously, a younger woman stands smiling in the background. Colour stipple engraving by J. Cary, 1786, after H. Taylor.
  • A rural physician giving an elderly woman a tablet, she views it suspiciously, a younger woman stands smiling in the background. Colour stipple engraving by J. Cary, 1786, after H. Taylor.
  • An apothecary weeping at the grave of his late most prosperous and prevalent patient. Coloured aquatint by G.M. Woodward, 1801.
  • A doctor asking his patients husband how she is, he replies (amidst a devasted room) that he's not sure but she certainly has a temper. Wood engraving by H ..., 1904.
  • A country woman suggesting to a lady of means that she encourage the local doctor even though all his previous patients have died. Wood engraving by A.S. Boyd, 1896.
  • A doctor placing his hand on the head of a sick boy, outside a country cottage. Photogravure after R. Hedley, 1898.
  • Jours de consultations : Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi de 3 h, res. à 5 h res. : prix 5 francs : 9, Rue de Montholon.
  • An American physician of the late nineteenth century, with his doctor's bag and horse and buggy; advertising the medicine "Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery". Colour lithograph by E.C. Pease, 1910.
  • A doctor is dismayed to discover that his patient has been eating animal feed when he had recommended animal food. Wood engraving by C. Keene, 1879.
  • The Panama Canal: to determine whether he was fit to be extradited, two eminent physicians examine the stools of Dr Cornelius Herz, who had fled France to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • A snobbish mother resistant to her daughter's doctor using a vaccine from their neighbour's child. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1872.
  • Michel Schuppach in his pharmacy examining a young woman's urine who is seated opposite him awaiting the result. Line engraving by B. Hübner, 1775, after G. Locher, 1774.
  • Michel Schuppach in his pharmacy examining a young woman's urine who is seated opposite him awaiting the result. Line engraving by B. Hübner, 1775, after G. Locher, 1774.
  • A. Read, Chirurgorum comes
  • Eberhard Gockel. Line engraving by P. Kilian, 1668, after A. Schuch.
  • A prostitute leading an old man into the bedroom and taking money from him; implying that her services will act like a tonic and preserve his state of health. Coloured etching, 18--, after T. Rowlandson, 1811.
  • A physician taking the pulse of a young woman, while an old maid prepares gruel for her. Oil painting by Quirin Gerritsz. van Brekelenkam.
  • A monster being fed baskets of infants and excreting them with horns; symbolising vaccination and its effects. Etching by C. Williams, 1802(?).
  • A monster being fed baskets of infants and excreting them with horns; symbolising vaccination and its effects. Etching by C. Williams, 1802(?).
  • John Freind. Line engraving by G. Vertue, 1730, after M. Dahl, 1725.
  • John Freind. Line engraving by G. Vertue, 1730, after M. Dahl, 1725.
  • The Medical Society of London: John Coakley Lettsom presenting to the society the deeds of 3 Bolt Court, City of London. Stipple engraving by N.C. Branwhite, 1801, after S. Medley, 1800.
  • Neottia ovata plus Cantharis rufipes beetle
  • An anatomist making an incision from the neck through the upper ribs of a skeletal cadaver. He stands behind the cadaver, his right hand cutting with a large blade while his left arm comes round the cadaver's neck as he uses his left hand to pull back the ribs at the incision. Colour process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
  • Master physician and disciple, Chinese woodcut, Ming period