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593 results
  • Elements of phrenology, physiognomy and palmistry, with diagrams of heads and hands, and portraits of historical figures. Colour lithograph, 1866.
  • Elements of phrenology, physiognomy and palmistry, with diagrams of heads and hands, and portraits of historical figures. Colour lithograph, 1866.
  • Louis-César-Joseph Ducornet, an artist born without arms. Lithograph by H. Robillard.
  • Insects: classified varieties and stages of development, including larvae, beetles and butterflies. Coloured lithograph, 1875 (?).
  • A woman making up posies and baskets of flowers for sale. Coloured lithograph by C. Regnier after Guérard.
  • Franco-Prussian War: a nurse looking out of a window at the queues for bread during the siege of Paris. Coloured transfer lithograph by F. Betbeder, ca. 1871.
  • Saint Joachim. Stipple engraving by C.J. Pomel, 1818, after N.-J. Blaizot.
  • Nidjb, a horse from Muscat (Oman) presented to King Louis Philippe of France, held by an African man. Coloured chalk lithograph by V.J. Adam, 1847.
  • At a Great Exhibition a shopkeeper sells enemas concealed in hollow volumes of classic literature for purposes of discretion. Lithograph by C. Vernier, 1844.
  • Archbishop Affre, wounded in the June 1848 insurrection, is carried back to his residence to die. Lithograph by V. Adam and A. Maurin, 1848.
  • Saint Napoleon. Coloured lithograph (?), 1843.
  • Seven members of the French committee on vaccination rail against Tapp, who resists the new discovery. Line engraving, c. 1800.
  • The busy street in front of the Bath house, Boulogne, France. Coloured lithograph after I.L. Deroy, 1853.
  • Saint Augusta. Coloured lithograph.
  • A physician recommending some medicine to a young female patient. Coloured lithograph, 1853, by H. Garnier, 1836, after J.L. Canon.
  • A nun brings some refreshment to a feverish patient, with a poem by Legouvé. Coloured lithograph by J.P. Moynet, 1846.
  • A druggist, a pharmacy student, a pounder (of medicine), a chemist and a pharmacist. Lithograph by J. Platier, 1842.
  • The Louvre, Paris: part of the Imperial Library. Photograph by Achille Quinet, ca. 1870.
  • An emaciated old man is transformed by four beauticians. Coloured lithograph by Ch.-J. Fuhr after Ch. Bargue, 1852.
  • Louis Joseph César Ducornet, an artist born without arms. Lithograph by H. Robillard.
  • People purchasing drinks from a cocoa vendor as others sit resting under a tree in fog. Lithograph by Engelmann after S. Baptiste, 1827.
  • Jöns Jacob Berzelius. Lithograph by A. Farcy after F. Krüger.
  • Franco-Prussian War: foreign ambulance staff in the Siege of Paris. Coloured transfer lithograph by Draner (J. Renard), 1871.
  • Seven members of the French committee on vaccination rail at Tapp, a health officer who resists the new discovery. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • Marie François Xavier Bichat. Lithograph by N. E. Maurin.
  • A troupe of blind musicians and their dogs confronting a rival street musician and his dog. Lithograph by Engelmann after S. Baptiste, 1828.
  • A woman inn-keeper and her cook stand outside the hotel watching the arrival of a coach in the high street. Coloured lithograph by A.J.L. Jazet, 1843.
  • Annales de l'Institut Pasteur.
  • An old shepherd leaning against a worn-out road-sign eats his lunch while sheep graze in a field next to the road. Coloured lithograph by A.J.L. Jazet, 1843.
  • A woman trader at the Halles market in Paris defends her conduct in conversation with an official as another woman looks on in amusement. Lithograph by N. Charlet, 1825.