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70 results
  • Mang niu'er miao, a wild plant, Chinese woodcut
  • Oenothera macrocarpa Nutt. Onagraceae. Ozark Sundrops, Bigfruit Evening Primrose. Formerly O. missouriensis. Distribution: South central USA. O. macrocarpa does not appear to have been used medicinally, but other species are so used. Austin (2004) records that O. biennis (Evening Primrose) was used by Native Americans as a potherb in West Virginia. Leaves as salad, roots boiled like potato also infusion to treat obesity and relieve piles (Cherokee)
  • Famine Relief Herbal (1593): Adsuki bean
  • A quack-doctor examining a urine flask. Oil painting.
  • Colombia: a shed on the banks of a lagoon of the River Cienega. Coloured etching by C. Empson, 1836.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.