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265 results
  • Two naked witches riding on a broomstick accompanied by an owl. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • A lady seeking knowledge of her lover from a wizard. Process print after Sir E. Burne-Jones.
  • Integrae naturae speculum, Fludd, 1617
  • Human figures, some with animal heads, praying. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • Two naked witches riding on a broomstick accompanied by an owl. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • Satan's invisible world discovered, or, A choice collection of modern relations proving evidently, against the atheists of this present age, that there are devils. Spirits, witches, and apparitions, from authentic records, and attestations of witnesses of undoubted veracity : To which is added, the marvellous history of Major Weir and his sister, the witches of Bargarran, Pittenweem, Calder, &c / By Mr. George Sinclair.
  • Two circular charts showing the configuration of the stars with the Hebrew alphabet. Engraving.
  • A witch casting spells over a steaming cauldron. Engraving by H.S. Thomassin after Demaretz.
  • A wizard casting spells from his magic circle by the light of his cauldron surrounded by creatures. Engraving by J. Wood, 1763, after J. Collins..
  • A wizard and his accomplice performing incantations in a forest during a full moon. Etching by S. Palmer and A.H. Palmer.
  • Witches meeting and performing spell. Etching by J.A.A. Pastelot.
  • A wizard and his accomplice performing incantations in a forest during a full moon. Etching by S. Palmer and A.H. Palmer.
  • A wizard and his accomplice performing incantations in a forest during a full moon. Etching by S. Palmer and A.H. Palmer.
  • A witch. Etching by G. Petrini after D. Teniers.
  • Four scenes all involving water: trial by water, people using divination rods, and different types of rods. Engraving.
  • A Turkish oracle; the torture wheel of Pope Pius VI. Engraving.
  • The Duke of Gloucester (later Richard III) accusing Jane (Elizabeth) Shore of witchcraft. Engraving.
  • Medea draining the blood of Aeson in order to rejuvenate him with her special brew. Engraving.
  • Many figures including a woman identified as Venus gambling with Cupid, evidence of torture and tumult. Engraving.
  • Indian fortune-teller with client. Gouache drawing.
  • A rosary, a medallion of St Benedict, a charm said to cause loss of eyesight, and hands showing lines and features to be interpreted by palmistry (including lines forecasting violent death); all illustrating 'superstition'. Engraving.
  • Symbols and talismans from Hindu, pagan and Jewish religions illustrating superstition. Engraving.
  • Circe sits with books and wand; to right, men transformed into animals. Etching by G.B. Castiglione, 165-.
  • Circe sits with books and wand; to right, men transformed into animals. Etching by G.B. Castiglione, 165-.
  • Residents of Ephesus burn their books on the magic arts before Saint Paul. Engraving, 18th century, after J. Thornhill.
  • A witch points at Cupid above, Mars [Ares] (?) sleeps behind her. Engraving by Q. Boel after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • Vol. II. Les Clavicules de R. Salomon
  • Vol. II. Les Clavicules de R. Salomon
  • Vol. II. Les Clavicules de R. Salomon
  • Vol. II. Les Clavicules de R. Salomon