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68 results
  • A man saying through the smoke of his cigarette "Think of me". Photographic postcard, 192- (?).
  • A man saying through the smoke of his cigarette "I love you". Photographic postcard, 192- (?).
  • A man saying through the smoke of his cigarette "I love you". Photographic postcard, 192- (?).
  • A man saying through the smoke of his cigarette "Think of me". Photographic postcard, 192- (?).
  • A condom with the message "with vanilla ..."
  • A condom with the message "with vanilla and lots of good things inside ... taste vanilla, coconut raspberry, mint or chocolate. Condoms - have you tried them?" with listed brands below; advertisement by AIDES, Association de lutte contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph by R. Turqueti.
  • A forlorn looking child among flowers representing a child with AIDS. Colour lithograph after J. Keeler for the Gesundheitsamt der Stadt Oldenburg, 1987.
  • Steps in producing a proton CT of a human phantom head