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99 results
  • The muscles of the left leg, seen from the front, and the bones and muscles of the right leg seen in right profile, and between them, a patella. Drawing by Michelangelo Buonarroti, ca. 1515-1520.
  • Saint Gregory the Great, wearing ecclesiastical dress, is kneeling in prayer; angels above him. Etching by S. Watts after Annibale Carracci, 1766.
  • Astronomy: the god Mercury; representing the planet Mercury. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1695, after Raphael, 1516.
  • Thomas Dromgoole speaking at a meeting of the Catholic Board in Dublin; represented as Doctor Drum "letting the cat out of the bag". Coloured etching, 1813.
  • Saint Bartholomew's Hospital reports.
  • Saint Bartholomew's Hospital reports.
  • The Virgin of Mercy responding to the intercessions of saints by protecting people from arrows symbolising disease; the Devil rules below, where plague attacks the land. Lithograph after L. Dottorini after Benedetto Bonfigli, 1464 (?).
  • Brass plate on the tomb of the Goodman family in Ruthin Church in Denbigshire, Wales. Engraving by R. Graves after G.P. Harding, 1823.
  • Bilston, England: men making steel in the melting shop of the British Steel steelworks. Aquatint by H.N. Eccleston, 1981.
  • Bilston, England: men making steel in the melting shop of the British Steel steelworks. Aquatint by H.N. Eccleston, 1979.
  • Jean-François Nicéron. Line engraving by M. Lasne, 1646.
  • A toothdrawer on horseback in an Italian square. Oil painting attributed to Michelangelo Cerquozzi, 16--.
  • A toothdrawer on horseback in an Italian square. Oil painting attributed to Michelangelo Cerquozzi, 16--.
  • A monk, suffering a hallucination that he is being attacked by wolves, being freed from his delusions by Saint Anselm. Drawing by an artist in the circle of J.W. Baumgartner.
  • The Holy Trinity with saints. Etching.
  • The adoration of the shepherds at the birth of Christ. Engraving by J. Witdoek after P.P. Rubens.
  • The adoration of the shepherds at the birth of Christ. Engraving by J. Witdoek after P.P. Rubens.
  • A great cedar tree representing the Catholic church, contrasted with two smaller trees representing later denominations. Engraving after W. Cave, ca. 1675.
  • A great cedar tree representing the Catholic church, contrasted with two smaller trees representing later denominations. Engraving after W. Cave, ca. 1675.
  • A great cedar tree representing the Catholic church, contrasted with two smaller trees representing later denominations. Engraving after W. Cave, ca. 1675.
  • A prospect of the city of Rome from Janiculum. Etching by G. Vasi and G. Piranesi, 1765.
  • A prospect of the city of Rome from Janiculum. Etching by G. Vasi and G. Piranesi, 1765.
  • A prospect of the city of Rome from Janiculum. Etching by G. Vasi and G. Piranesi, 1765.
  • A man, possibly William Conolly, wearing a frock coat and a wig, holding a tricorn hat under his left arm. Etching by Arthur Pond after P.L. Ghezzi.
  • Apotheosis of an ecclesiastic. Oil painting.
  • Apotheosis of an ecclesiastic. Oil painting.
  • Apotheosis of an ecclesiastic. Oil painting.
  • Apotheosis of an ecclesiastic. Oil painting.
  • A crowd watching a troupe of quack-doctors on a stage outside an inn. Oil painting by a Flemish painter, ca. 1640(?).
  • A crowd watching a troupe of quack-doctors on a stage outside an inn. Oil painting by a Flemish painter, ca. 1640(?).