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364 results
  • An allegory of marriage: an angel pours water over the conjoined right hands of a gentleman and a lady. Engraving by Jan Sadeler after F. Sustris.
  • A crowd gathers and some throw confetti to cheer on a couple whose horse-drawn carriage awaits to take them to the church for their marriage. Engraving.
  • A man sits with a devil on one shoulder, and a cherub on the other, contemplating all the stages of marriage. Coloured aquatint by T. Lane after himself.
  • A young woman is weeping as she is being offered in marriage by her mother to a old, lame man. Engraving by J. Goldar after J. Collet, 1767.
  • A marriage ceremony is performed with the priest in the pulpit and the couple standing before two cushions which they shall kneel on when they take their vows.
  • A Protestant marriage ceremony is performed in Alsace by a priest in the company of the couple's relatives. Etching by P.A. Rajon, ca. 1878, after G. Brion.
  • A marriage ceremony: the bride, in red, stands on a raised platform and is hiding from the groom behind a white sheet. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • A room of Quakers gossiping about the marriage of William Allen to Mrs. Grizell Birkbeck, seen on the left, affirming their vows. Coloured etching by R.I. Cruikshank, 1827.
  • A room of Quakers gossiping about the marriage of William Allen to Mrs. Grizell Birkbeck, seen on the left, affirming their vows. Coloured etching by R.I. Cruikshank, 1827.
  • The marriage of Pocohontas to John Rolfe: the couple are shown being married in the open air by a Western priest, surrounded by Native Americans. Lithograph after Holenstein, 1861.
  • A marriage ceremony for Scottish Covenanters is performed on a mountain range by a priest with the young couple surrounded by family guests. Engraving by P. Lightfoot after Alex Johnston.
  • The story of Cupid and Psyche: Mercury sent by Jupiter to summon the gods to decide on the marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1693, after Raphael.
  • A marriage ceremony where the bride sits on a high chair with two older women on either side of her and the groom stands at the bottom of the platform. Engraving.
  • Hymen is kneeling before Fortune, who is balancing blindfolded on a wheel, presenting her with two hearts joined together by his arrow; representing the request for a good marriage. Coloured lithograph.
  • The maid bringing in the breakfast finds the Prince of Wales and Mrs Fitzherbert in a dishevelled state on the morning after their marriage. Wood engraving after "Plenipo Georgy" (James Gillray?).
  • Saint Mark's Square, Venice: two men on horseback are jousting at a tournament before a crowd celebrating the marriage of Jacopo Foscari. Steel engraving by E. Goodall, 1830, after T. Stothard..
  • A young woman of humble origins, surrounded by children, is being told by a fortune teller that she will have a happy marriage. Lithograph by C. Constans after L. Boilly, 1824.
  • A young couple wait while a contract of marriage is drawn up and the servant waits to take the stop out of the barrel. Engraving by Jean-Charles Baquoy after Jan Steen.
  • Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, Siena: the reception, bringing up, and marriage of girls entrusted to the hospital. Photographs by Fotografia Lombardi Siena, 18--, of fresco by Domenico di Bartolo, 1441-1442.
  • Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, Siena: the reception, bringing up, and marriage of girls entrusted to the hospital. Photographs by Fotografia Lombardi Siena, 18--, of fresco by Domenico di Bartolo, 1441-1442.
  • Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, Siena: the reception, bringing up, and marriage of girls entrusted to the hospital. Photographs by Fotografia Lombardi Siena, 18--, of fresco by Domenico di Bartolo, 1441-1442.
  • A nobleman and an alderman sit at a table neggotiating a marriage settlement between the son of the former and the daughter of the latter. Engraving by Louis Gérard Scotin after William Hogarth, 1745.
  • The procession of Princes Yasodhara, seated in a palanquin and surrounded by soldiers and courtesans, arriving for her marriage to Prince Siddhattha, Bodhisatta. In the procession are minor officials, musician, soldiers, ministers and spectators
  • The mystic marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria to the Christ child; Saint Joseph looks at angels who bear attributes of Saint Barbara and Saint Margaret. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after A. Tiarini.
  • Memoirs of the celebrated dwarf, Joseph Boruwlaski, a Polish gentelman, containing a faithful and curious account of his birth, education, marriage, travels and voyages / Written by himself; translated from the French by Mr. Des Carrieres.
  • A map of Zambia containing numerous women saying no to sex before marriage; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Anti-AIDS Project and Copperbelt Health Education Project in Zambia. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • The mystic marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria and the infant Christ; the latter sits in the lap of the Virgin Mary, who sits next to Joseph. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after P. Tibaldi.
  • Lord Grenville, Prime Minister and leader of the Broad Bottoms faction, meets Sarah Baartman, the "Hottentot Venus": on account of their similar body-mass, a dynastic marriage is considered. Coloured etching attributed to W. Heath, 1810.
  • A young woman is sitting in a chair with a tapestry in a frame in front of her, trying to be distracted from the thought of her forced marriage. Engraving by W.H. Simmons, 1840, after J.H. Nixon.
  • A portrait of an Indian couple torn in two with the warning 'they could have saved their marriage'; an anti-AIDS advertisement for Sex Education Counselling Research Thearpy Training issued by the Family Planning Association of India. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.