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12,170 results
  • A man in soldier's uniform is walking past an old man in tattered clothing. Lithograph.
  • A man attempting to rob another man at gunpoint. Colour process print after Mike, 195-.
  • A man attempting to rob another man at gunpoint. Colour process print after Mike, 195-.
  • A man hurtles to earth where strange beasts roam and a man's half-devoured skeleton lies.
  • A young woman is introduced to a young man by an older man. Engraving and etching.
  • A barber shaving a man; another man sits in the background awaiting his turn. Coloured etching.
  • South Africa: a Pondo man attends to the hairstyle of a fellow man. Photograph, ca. 1900.
  • Titlepage: The countrey-man's apothecary
  • Shaman/medicine man, body paint, Australia
  • Medicine man curing disease, Australia.
  • Hands of man with oedema
  • Face of man with oedema
  • Man with many idiopathic dislocations
  • Old man with supernumerary nipples
  • Man with an orbital aneurysm
  • Man suffering from Addison's disease
  • Man with a unilateral goitre
  • Man suffering from lamellar cataracts
  • Man with a unilateral goitre
  • An old man. Charcoal drawing.
  • Man with large aortic aneurysm
  • Man with osteitis deformans, standing
  • Man with osteitis deformans, seated
  • Illustration of man with Beard
  • Astrological Man, 16th century.
  • Sarawak: a Bakatan man. Photograph.
  • Sarawak: a Ukit man. Photograph.
  • Evidence of the flood man
  • Foetus in a young man
  • A man operating waterworks. Engraving.