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108 results
  • Kelipaverina : khellin, papaverina, fenobarbital / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • A pathetic picture of pain and perplexity seen daily in every part of the British Isles... : Dr. Jenner's Kidney and Liver Cure... it prevents and cures all kidney troubles / Alfred Parker.
  • ABC of society / compliments of the Hunt's Remedy Co.
  • "They are for mother" : Doan's Backache Kidney Pills Co.'s specific for kidney complaints / Doan's Backache Kidney Pill Co.
  • "They are for mother" : Doan's Backache Kidney Pills Co.'s specific for kidney complaints / Doan's Backache Kidney Pill Co.
  • Antiespasmódico Octiverina / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Antiespasmódico Octiverina / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • A confrontation between two figures, representing industrial diseases being challenged by health gained from use of Morris Evans' remedies. Colour lithograph incorporating a design by W. Mitford Davies.
  • De Witt's Kidney & Bladder Pills : diuretic stimulant - urinary antiseptic.
  • De Witt's Kidney & Bladder Pills : diuretic stimulant - urinary antiseptic.
  • De Witt's Kidney & Bladder Pills : diuretic stimulant - urinary antiseptic.
  • De Witt's Kidney & Bladder Pills : diuretic stimulant - urinary antiseptic.
  • Tubercular kidney
  • Diabetes complications in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.
  • Four vignettes demonstrating different cauterisation points on naked human bodies. Watercolour after a twelfth century manuscript.
  • Warner's safe yeast : pure and wholesome, the best known : Gran'ma, how lovely this hop yeast smells! / [Warner's Safe Cure Co.].
  • Warner's safe yeast : pure and wholesome, the best known : Gran'ma, how lovely this hop yeast smells! / [Warner's Safe Cure Co.].
  • Downward transmission of yin diseases of the interior
  • With best wishes for your good health / Dr. M.D. Dennis.
  • With best wishes for your good health / Dr. M.D. Dennis.
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Chinese woodcut: Various abscesses and tumours
  • Paediatric finger diagnosis chart: 'Curled Worm' vein pattern
  • The fight for the standard : Ayer's Pills / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • The fight for the standard : Ayer's Pills / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • International exhibition of artistic furniture and home decorations, food, health and pharmacy 1907 : Crystal Palace, London : diploma for Grand-Prix with gold medal awarded to "Ajax" dry-cell (section speciale de medecine) for electric-system...  / British Electric System.
  • International exhibition of artistic furniture and home decorations, food, health and pharmacy 1907 : Crystal Palace, London : diploma for Grand-Prix with gold medal awarded to "Ajax" dry-cell (section speciale de medecine) for electric-system...  / British Electric System.
  • The Ebola virus
  • The Ebola virus
  • Chinese woodcut: The five spheres (wu lun) of the eye