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  • Vignettes of Peel's first ministry surrounded by eight figures representing certain professions. Coloured lithograph, 1835.
  • Vignettes of Peel's first ministry surrounded by eight figures representing certain professions. Coloured lithograph, 1835.
  • A seated man in front of a chamber pot which is emitting bubbles, a group of people stand behind him; representing Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle's involvement with Mrs. Clarke. Coloured etching, 1809.
  • A young English woman returning from Paris with her French governesss is not recognized by her uncle, aunt and sister owing to her French speech and clothes. Etching by George Cruikshank after EHL.
  • A doctor and nurse prescribing new medicines for their patient; representing Britain under a new government. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1842.
  • A bear wearing a spiked helmet and a gun is walking over a bridge marked "Protocol" which is supported by rulers of different countries. Drawing by M.C.P. (?), 12 July 1877.
  • Three doctors converge around John Pitt, 2nd earl of Chatham, as their patient; representing the embarrassment of the failed Walcheren Expedition in Flanders. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1809.
  • Three doctors converge around John Pitt, 2nd earl of Chatham, as their patient; representing the embarrassment of the failed Walcheren Expedition in Flanders. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1809.
  • Vignettes of Peel's first ministry. Coloured lithograph, 1835.
  • George, Prince Regent, in uniform holding out a swollen hand which is supported by Wellington; representing the enormous amount of money given to the army compared with the navy. Coloured lithograph, 1816.
  • William Ball, a man weighing forty stone. Wood engraving.
  • A short, but concise account of Elisabeth, and Mary Chulkhurst, who were born joined together by the hips and shoulders, in the year of our Lord 1100, at Biddenden, in the county of Kent : commonly called the Biddenden Maids.
  • A short, but concise account of Elisabeth, and Mary Chulkhurst, who were born joined together by the hips and shoulders, in the year of our Lord 1100, at Biddenden, in the county of Kent : commonly called the Biddenden Maids.
  • Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin, at the birth of Christ. Etching by F. Perrier, 1633, after S. Vouet.
  • John Lumley, 1st Baron Lumley. Line engraving after Stephens.
  • Daniel O'Connell plays chess with Lord Melbourne while Britannia watches. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1837.
  • British politicians as acrobats at a fair: performances by Lord John Russell balancing on a pole inscribed "Irish corporation billl...", Daniel O'Connell swallowing a sword inscribed "Repeal", and Thomas Spring-Rice balancing on his chin an object with a picture of a church, watched by political onlookers. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1837.
  • W.E. Gladstone as a jockey, falling from his horse. Colour lithograph by Gilbert & Rivington after Tom Merry, 1884.
  • A coach representing the quadruple alliance of England, France, Portugal and Spain is disabled owing to a broken wheel. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1836.
  • Lord Cochrane and Captain de Beranger, collaborators in a fraudulent manipulation of the Stock Exchange, playing dice while in the stocks. Coloured etching by George Cruikshank, 1814.
  • A rowdy dinner of British political radicals at John Horne Tooke's house in Wimbledon: Tooke and Burdett wear bonnets rouges. Coloured etching by Thomaso Scrutiny (Samuel De Wilde?), 1808.
  • A dandy being laced into a tight corset by two servants. Coloured etching, 1819.
  • A dandy being laced into a tight corset by two servants. Coloured etching, 1819.
  • The Prince Regent presenting to political ministers the expected baby of Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold, who urinates in their faces; representing the burden of taxation required by the Royal family. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1816.
  • The powers of Europe as alchemists who dissolve the alliance of German princes with Napoleon. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1813.
  • An apothecary riding a velocipede (bicycle) in the form of a pestle and mortar. Coloured etching, ca. 1819.
  • Heads of eleven members of the Lister family. Photographs of silhouettes.
  • Heads of eleven members of the Lister family. Photographs of silhouettes.
  • Heads of eleven members of the Lister family. Photographs of silhouettes.
  • A man walking along a country path is attacked by a bodysnatcher hiding behind a brick wall, who asphyxiates him by thrusting a heart-shaped plaster in his face. Coloured etching by Dickey Fubs, 1828.