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101 results
  • The Royal Botanic Society. Block plan of proposed extension of large conservatory.
  • Proposed conservatory extension, Royal Botanic Gardens.
  • The Royal Botanic Society. Sketch of proposed additions to large conservatory.
  • Elevation of proposed winter garden to be erected in the Inner Circle Regents Park for the Royal Botanic Society 1845.
  • The Royal Botanic Society. Sketch of proposed additions to large conservatory.
  • Proposed conservatory extension, Royal Botanic Gardens.
  • Lambeth Female Orphan Asylum (formerly Beddington Park): view of the grounds. Etching by Flemming after T. Allom.
  • Crowds at Greenwich Fair, watching performers in booths, eating, etc.: the twin domes of Greenwich Hospital are visible in the background. Wood engraving by [I.B.] after Findlay.
  • King's College (London) medical students visiting the Parke, Davis & Co. Laboratories, Hounslow. Photograph, 1925.
  • King's College Medical School students visiting the Parke, Davis & Co. Laboratories, Hounslow. Photograph, 1924.
  • The Royal York Baths, Regent's Park, London. Engraving by J. Shury, 1835, after T. H. Shepherd.
  • Two rival physicians ride in carriages around high-class London residences in competition for wealthy patients. Coloured lithograph, 18--.
  • Royal Humane Society Receiving House, Hyde Park.
  • St. George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner. Engraving, 1775.
  • King's College (London) medical students visiting the Parke, Davis & Co. Laboratories, Hounslow. Photograph, 1927.
  • Two children are brought to the nurses of the Asylum for Female Orphans, Lambeth, London. Etching.
  • The Royal Hospital, Chelsea: aerial view of the building and grounds looking from the Surrey side of the busy river. Coloured engraving by T. Bowles the younger after himself.
  • The Royal Hospital, Chelsea: aerial view of the building and grounds looking from the Surrey side of the busy river. Coloured engraving by T. Bowles the younger after himself.
  • The Royal York Baths, Regent's Park, London. Engraving by W. R. Smith, 1828, after T. H. Shepherd.
  • The Royal Hospital, Chelsea; and the Rotunda at Ranelagh: viewed from the Surrey bank with boats on the river. Coloured engraving.
  • London, seen from beside Flamsteed House in Greenwich park. Lithograph by T. S. Boys after himself, 1842.
  • Painless dentistry advertisement: Mr. V.C. Mallan
  • Death, as a policeman, approaches a ragged woman and her baby in a London park. Colour wood engraving by M. Morgan, 1867.
  • World War I: St Dunstan's hostel for the blind, Regents Park, London. Watercolour by Walter Spradbery, 1919.
  • From Dairy Supply Co. Ltd accounts department : Cumberland Avenue, Park Royal, London, N.W.10.
  • The Royal Hospital, Chelsea: aerial view of the building and grounds, looking from the Surrey side of the river. Engraving, c.1761.
  • The Royal Hospital, Chelsea: viewed from the Surrey bank with boats on the river. Coloured engraving.
  • Sir Humphry Davy Rolleston. Photograph by A.C. Cooper after George Henry, 1925.
  • Crowds at Greenwich Park, dancing, watching side shows, etc. Engraving by A. H. Payne after A. Wray.
  • Annual report for the year 1902 (fifth year of issue) / Metropolitan Asylums Board.