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77 results
  • Causes and prevention of AIDS
  • The word 'AIDS' at the top of an illustrated fact sheet about the causes and prevention of AIDS. Colour lithograph by the Voluntary Health Assocation of India and Manipur Voluntary Health Association, ca. 1995.
  • A man crawls on all fours towards a gambling dice bearing hearts as a glamorous woman holding a bag looks on; with diagrams on how AIDS is not contracted along the bottom; an advertisement for safe sex by the OFfice of Federal Health and Swiss AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Birez.
  • A couple hold hands at a table with a heart, stars and the moon above them; with diagrams on how AIDS is not contracted along the bottom; an advertisement for safe sex by the OFfice of Federal Health and Swiss AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Birez.
  • ways in which AIDS is not transmitted
  • A man writing in a book supported by Time, while Mercury is assisted by winged figures in displaying the portraits of French kings; representing French history. Engraving.
  • A gay man helping his partner who is disabled and has AIDS; an advertisement for caring for disabled partners with AIDS. Colour lithograph by M. Taubenheim and W. Mudra for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • A forlorn looking child with arms outstretched among flowers, representing a child with AIDS ostracized for fear of transmitting the disease. Colour lithograph by J. Keeler, 1987, for the Centre for Attitudinal Healing.
  • AIDS prevention advert for the AIDS-Tukikeskus
  • A personified penis wearing sunglasses and a condom as a hat with a message about supporting people with AIDS; below is a forlorn looking figure with arms outstretched among flowers representing a child with AIDS, an illustration originally by J Keeler inspired by the experience of the hemophiliac 13-year old, Ryan White; an advertisement by the Community AIDS Service in Penang (CASP). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A personified penis wearing sunglasses and a condom as a hat with a message about supporting people with AIDS; below is a forlorn looking figure with arms outstretched amongst flowers representing a child with AIDS, an illustration originally by J Keeler inspired by the experience of the hemophiliac 13-year old, Ryan White; an advertisement by the Community AIDS Service in Penang (CASP). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Caring for disabled partners with AID
  • Silver hearts, half-hearts and droplets interpersed with German and English sex-related words; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by John Lindell and Frank Wagner for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • An Indian woman between two other women wearing headscarves in front of 3 arches within a decorative border; with a message about how AIDS is not spread as an AIDS prevention advertisement by NGO-AIDS Cell, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS. Colour lithograph by Unesco/Aidthi Workshop, March 1995.
  • A couple wearing t-shirts with the slogan 'Be Safe Be Sure' with information on how to find out about safe sex and AIDS by the Department of Community Services and Health, Canberra. Colour lithograph by The Artworks.
  • Cartoons illustrating ways in which you can't get AIDS including eating at restaurants and using toilets in public places; advertisement for the Minnesota AIDS Project by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Colour lithograph by Max.
  • The healing touch, emotional cancer journey, artwork