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87 results
  • Zur Physik Leonardo da Vincis / [Otto Werner].
  • Zur Physik Leonardo da Vincis / [Otto Werner].
  • Ambroise Paré, as an apprentice barber-surgeon in a busy shop in Paris. Wood engraving by J. Ansseau after E. Morin.
  • An itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a man's head; symbolising the expulsion of 'folly' (insanity), in the background is a manic woman who is waiting for the operation. Photogravure, 1926, after T. de Brij after M. de Vos.
  • A three headed monster in an alchemical flask, representing the composition of the alchemical philosopher's stone: salt, sulphur, and mercury. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • Two surgeons amputating the leg and arm of the same patient who is being restrained by assistants. Pen drawing after an engraving, 1597.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to a man's back: they are surrounded by anxious family and friends. Etching by A. Fantuzzi, ca. 1542, after G. Romano.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to a man's back: they are surrounded by anxious family and friends. Etching by A. Fantuzzi, ca. 1542, after G. Romano.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to a man's back: they are surrounded by anxious family and friends. Etching by A. Fantuzzi, ca. 1542, after G. Romano.
  • An old man discourses with a woman with a bird on her head; representing dialectic. Engraving by C. Cort, 1565, after F. Floris, c. 1557.
  • A woman with a castle on her head traces a compass across a globe while two men crouch over it; representing geometry. Engraving by C. Cort, 1565, after F. Floris, c. 1557.
  • A surgery where all fantasy and follies are purged and good qualities are prescribed. Line engraving by M. Greuter, c. 1600.
  • Ambroise Paré, removing the head of a spear from the face of the Duc de Guise. Wood engraving by J. Ansseau after E. Morin.
  • Ambroise Paré using a ligature on an artery of an amputated leg of a soldier, during the Siege of Metz, 1553. Photogravure after T. Chartran, 1889.
  • Frontispiece for Fox's Book of Martyrs, showing the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, Saint Andrew, Saint Peter and Saint John. Engraving.
  • Above, a cat in a priest's habit is hung on the gallows with priests laughing at the sight; below, a blindfolded man is hung and the rope breaks to release him to the ground. Etching by G. Terry.
  • Frontispiece for Fox's Book of Martyrs, showing John Fox in a decorative panel. Engraving.
  • Above, the martyrs Cicely Ormes and Margaret Thurston are burnt back to back at the stake in Colchester and the burning at a stake in Islington of the martyrs Ralph Alderton, Margery Austoo and R. Roth; below the burning of the martyr Cicely Ormes in Norwich. Etching by G. Terry.
  • Above, two martyrs, Dirick Carver and Margery Polley are burnt at the stake: below, two martyrs, John Denley and Thomas Iveson are burnt alive at the stake. Etching by G. Terry.
  • Above, martyrs Woodman, Steves, Mainard, Hosman, Wood, Morris, Burges, Ashdon and Groves are burnt together at the stake in Lewes; below, the hand of Rose Allins is held over a flaming torch by Edmund Tyrill. Etching by G. Terry.
  • Above, four martyrs are chained to a post and burnt at the stake in Canterbury; below, a procession of twenty-two prisoners tied together and brought from Colchester to London, presumably for trial. Etching with engraving by G. Terry.
  • A male écorché figure holding the skin of his legs in his right hand and the skin of his arms in his left hand. Engraving by G. Bonasone, 155-.
  • A male écorché figure holding the skin of his legs in his right hand and the skin of his arms in his left hand. Engraving by G. Bonasone, 155-.
  • Anatomia del corpo humano / composta per M. Giouan Valuerde di Hamusco, & da luy con molte figure di rame, et eruditi discorsi in luce mandata.
  • Anatomia del corpo humano / composta per M. Giouan Valuerde di Hamusco, & da luy con molte figure di rame, et eruditi discorsi in luce mandata.
  • Anatomia del corpo humano / composta per M. Giouan Valuerde di Hamusco, & da luy con molte figure di rame, et eruditi discorsi in luce mandata.
  • Anatomia del corpo humano / composta per M. Giouan Valuerde di Hamusco, & da luy con molte figure di rame, et eruditi discorsi in luce mandata.