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305 results
  • Don't worry about what you'll pick up at work : none of these will give you HIV, the virus that leads to AIDS ... / Health Education Authority ; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
  • Low viral load doesn't mean no risk : if you are HIV-positivve, you can still pass the virus on even if your viral load is low / Gay Men's Team, Camden Primary Care Trust Health Promotion Service.
  • Low viral load doesn't mean no risk : if you are HIV-positivve, you can still pass the virus on even if your viral load is low / Gay Men's Team, Camden Primary Care Trust Health Promotion Service.
  • Two HIV virus cells above the world bearing the words 'HIV' against a backdrop incorporating an emaciated AIDS victim, someone receiving an injection and Arabic script; an advertisement for the Kuwait Fourth International Conference on AIDS in 1994 by the KFAS, The Kuwait Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • An HIV virus cell representing an information sheet on AIDS and how it is spread with numerous smaller illustrations and text; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Voluntary Health Association of India. Colour lithograph by Stephen Marazzi, ca. 1995.
  • A man and woman dressed in swimwear flexing their muscles with their arms above their heads representing the risks of injecting steroids and contracting the HIV virus; advertisement by the Public Health Department of North York, Ontario. Colour lithograph.
  • An enlarged cross-section of an HIV virus cell with a definition about what is AIDS in Thai; one of a series of 4 AIDS education posters by the Population and Community Development Association (PDA) in Thailand. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A gloved hand holding up a bird cage inscribed 'Blood bank' containing the HIV virus cell with the warning 'No escape for AIDS'; an advertisement issued by Ortho Diagnostic Systems, a division of Johnson & Johnson Limited. Colour lithograph, ca. 1998.
  • A caterpillar bores a hole into the side of pear having just eaten a hole in an apple, an analogy to the voracious appetite and speed of growth of the HIV virus. Colour silk screen print after A. François, 1993.
  • Smart : He does. Do you? Whatever state you are in, make love safely. Condoms help protect you from HIV (the virus which can lead to AIDS), sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy / Mainliners ; design by Big Active Ltd.
  • 1,429 into 2000 does go : in the year 2000... 1,429 gay and bisexual  men living in the UK tested positive for HIV, the virus which causes AIDS / Gay Men's Team, Camden Primary Care Trust Health Promotion Service.
  • 1,429 into 2000 does go : in the year 2000... 1,429 gay and bisexual  men living in the UK tested positive for HIV, the virus which causes AIDS / Gay Men's Team, Camden Primary Care Trust Health Promotion Service.
  • A cross-section of the HIV virus with the characteristic outer protrusions; with 3 red arrows pointing to the earth in orbit and the word 'AIDS' below; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Korean Anti-AIDS Federation Inc. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A hand holding a family within its grasp above a sea of HIV virus cells; a World AIDS Day message to protect your family against AIDS by the Ministere de la Sante et de la Population, Algeria. Colour lithograph by Oubmane, 1994.
  • A large personified condom stands triumphantly on personified versions of the HIV virus who cry out for 'help'; with rays of sunshine in the background; a safe-sex advertisement by the AIDS Unit Department of Health, Government of Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • If you or your baby are having a blood or urine test : at some hospitals and clinics we are measuring the spread of HIV infection (the virus which causes AIDS) ... / prepared for the Department of Health by the Central Office of Information.
  • The HIV virus with the silhouette of a couple, 2 people injecting drugs and a blood transfusion; below further illustrations relating to ways in which AIDS is not transmitted including through insect bites and handshaking; a warning about how AIDS is and is not contracted. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An exasperated looking figure holding a lead with a dog beside him representing a man looking for information on the HIV virus; an advertisement for the 1st AIDS Prevention Manual/Guide for teachers and health promoters by the Fundacion R.E.D. Colour lithograph by Fontanarrosa, ca. 1995.
  • A man, woman, a red furry personified form of the HIV virus, a personified male symbol and condom illustrate the facts about AIDS, how it is caused and how to prevent AIDS; an information poster issued by the Ministerio de Salud Publica and the Fundación Futura in Ecuador. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A tennis player knocking a ball bearing the attributes of the HIV virus cell with the word 'AIDS' embellished with the devil in the pathway of the ball; with a graph below displaying the rising statistics of AIDS in Kuwait from 1980 to 2000; an advertisement by the Kuwait Ministry of Health. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A syringe plunges down the centre of 2 figures as a personified HIV virus wearing a bandana and holding the pronged fork of the devil bounces off an arrow pointing right; a warning about the dangers of sharing needles by the AIDS Unit Department of Health, Government of Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A large syringe about to inject into a row of arms with a personification of the HIV virus bearing a red bandana and the pronged fork of the devil lurks nearby; a warning about the dangers of sharing needles by the AIDS Unit Department of Health, Government of Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Fucking, fingering, fisting or using sex toys can cause tiny cuts to the inside lining of the arse : so if a man who doesn't have HIV gets fucked by one who does, it's easier for the virus to get directly into the bloodstream. Using condoms can reduce this risk / Terrence Higgins Trust, CHAPS.
  • A woman and a girl having an ear and a nose pierced, a boy receiving stitches on his arm and a man having his hair cut, another a shave; a warning about the dangers of using unsterilized equipment and contracting the HIV virus by Spitnacs, Societal Projects Information Training Networking and Consultancy Services. Colour lithograph, ca 1997.
  • A man receiving a blood transfusion correctly, another man incorrectly and a nurse administering an injection in the arm of a woman under supervision; the nurse then administers immunisations into numerous babies under no supervision; a warning about the dangers of using unsterilized equipment and contracting the HIV virus by Spitnacs, Societal Projects Information Training Networking and Consultancy Services. Colour lithograph, ca 1997.
  • Travelling abroad? Thinking of getting married? : Make sure sexual health is on your agenda when you are looking for your life partner ... more than 4/5ths of all HIV infected women contract the virus from a male partner ...  / Brent & Harrow fund this initiative ; this poster was jointly produced by Asian Women's Resource Centre and The Naz Project London.
  • Structure of a human immunodeficiency virus by Glasgow and Assoc '89; third of sixteen advertisement posters by the American Red Cross promoting education about AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • Actions that need to be addressed in the fight against AIDS by the World Health Organization. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Goals of the Global AIDS Strategy for the World Health Organization (WHO). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A world map highlighting the numbers of adults infected with HIV, issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). Colour lithograph, 1994.