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466 results
  • R.A.M.C. : first aid to the wounded / Raphael Tuck & Sons.
  • Trimopan 200 : the first calendar reminder pack for Trimethoprim to aid patient compliance.
  • Trimopan 200 : the first calendar reminder pack for Trimethoprim to aid patient compliance.
  • Boer Wars: British soldiers bringing first aid to wounded Boers. Watercolour by W. Hatherell, 1901.
  • Boer Wars: British soldiers bringing first aid to wounded Boers. Watercolour by W. Hatherell, 1901.
  • [Small British Red Cross Society first aid card, giving brief instructions on what to do].
  • [Small British Red Cross Society first aid card, giving brief instructions on what to do].
  • [Small British Red Cross Society first aid card, giving brief instructions on what to do].
  • [Small British Red Cross Society first aid card, giving brief instructions on what to do].
  • A first aid post during the Sino-Japanese war. Colour woodcut by a Chinese artist, 1895.
  • First aid memory chart : designed for A.R.P. first aid workers & learners / by Harold E. Palmer, D. Litt. & W. Rougier Chapman, Surgeon Lieut. Commander R.N.V.R. ; approved by the St. John Ambulance Association.
  • [Proficiency voucher issued by the British Red Cross Society in March 1935 certifying proficiency in first aid].
  • Another first from Beecham : the only medicine specially formulated to relieve night congestion and aid sleep.
  • Another first from Beecham : the only medicine specially formulated to relieve night congestion and aid sleep.
  • A First Aid lesson in a school classroom: the teacher demonstrates with a small boy lying on a stretcher, watched by children seated in rows at wooden desks. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • Boer War: first aid to the wounded on the battlefield at Colenso. Process print after J.J. Waugh.
  • First aid in brief : read this carefully several times, then carry it in your pocket or bag.
  • First aid in brief : read this carefully several times, then carry it in your pocket or bag.
  • The Japanese army surgeon in his element : first aid to the wounded in the Manchurian battlefield / Photo-Nouvelles Agency.
  • The Japanese army surgeon in his element : first aid to the wounded in the Manchurian battlefield / Photo-Nouvelles Agency.
  • First aid for fighting men : your life and those of your comrades may depend upon your having this card always at hand / by command of the Army Council, the War Office.
  • First aid for fighting men : your life and those of your comrades may depend upon your having this card always at hand / by command of the Army Council, the War Office.
  • The lower half of a man's face with a telephone receiver at his ear and the message: "The first of your rights is to be able to know them" with an AIDS information line by the SIDA Info Service and AIDES. Colour lithograph by Sébastien Jimenez.
  • WHO against AIDS discrimination : the forty-first World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA41.24 in Geneva on 13 May 1988 : avoidance of discrimination of people and people with AIDS.
  • The words 'HIV/AIDS Education' above 'American Red Cross'; first of sixteen advertisement posters by the American Red Cross promoting education about AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • October 29 - November 1, 1990, Montreux, Switzerland : First announcement : Assessing AIDS prevention : international conference / Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Lausanne.
  • October 29 - November 1, 1990, Montreux, Switzerland : First announcement : Assessing AIDS prevention : international conference / Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Lausanne.
  • October 29 - November 1, 1990, Montreux, Switzerland : First announcement : Assessing AIDS prevention : international conference / Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Lausanne.
  • October 29 - November 1, 1990, Montreux, Switzerland : First announcement : Assessing AIDS prevention : international conference / Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Lausanne.
  • October 29 - November 1, 1990, Montreux, Switzerland : First announcement : Assessing AIDS prevention : international conference / Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Lausanne.