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174 results
  • A young Indian man wearing many beads and makeup in a temple precinct. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • A bullfighter, posing in front of a painted backdrop of a bullring, in a cobbled courtyard. Photograph, first quarter of the twentieth century.
  • A young Hindu girl, perhaps a princess, in a studio setting.
  • A young sumo wrestler posing in a photographic studio, wearing a richly decorated apron, in front of a plain backdrop.
  • A young Aboriginal couple in a photographic studio. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • A young woman, posing semi-naked in a photographic studio, lying full-length on a fur-covered sofa or day-bed.
  • A woman with plague, lying on a stretcher in the sunshine.
  • A young woman wearing a plain robe and a tasselled hat, standing in front of a painted screen.
  • A Zambesi man standing in front of a pair of trees.
  • A Bulgarian female acrobat performing contortions with a handkerchief in her mouth.
  • A bullfighter, Rafael Molina Sanchez "Lagartijo", posing in front of a painted backdrop of a bullring crowd, in a cobbled courtyard. Photograph, ca.1890/1910.
  • An African man and woman embracing. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • A young woman posing naked in a photographic studio, standing with her back to the camera, holding on to a harp. Stereo photograph, ca.1900.
  • A man posing naked, with his back to the camera, holding on to a branch of a tree.
  • A family group in a photographic studio, the women seated, in front of a curtained backdrop.
  • A music teacher surrounded by his female pupils, in a studio setting in Sophia. Photograph, 1904.
  • A man with plague lying on a rattan bed, Bombay.
  • A young woman posing naked in a photographic studio, lying on a wooden plinth. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • A man posing naked, standing with his chest out, arms down and hands clasped.
  • A woman posing naked in a photographic studio, holding aloft a tambourine, standing in front of a painted backdrop. Photograph, c.1900.
  • A large family group in a photographic studio, the women seated, in front of a painted backdrop.
  • A barefoot Basque fisherman posing with several medals on his tunic.
  • A Korean (?) woman, carrying a baby on her back.
  • Two nautch dancing girls, in a studio setting. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • A woman posing naked in a photographic studio, sitting on a chair in front of a looking-glass. Stereo photograph, c.1900.
  • A Bulgarian female acrobat wearing a leotard and tights.
  • A young Masai woman, wearing much jewellery. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • A barefoot Aboriginal man in a photographic studio.
  • Two women from Zanzibar, one milking the other's right breast into a cup.
  • A Bulgarian woman wearing national dress.