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909 results
  • Francisco Hurtado. Photograph by Cruces y Cia.
  • Louis Hubert Farabeuf. Photogravure by Ch. Wittmann.
  • Manuel Peredo. Photograph by Valleto.
  • Davidson Black. Photogravure.
  • C.L. van der Burg. Process print.
  • An unidentified man. Photogravure after Pierre Petit.
  • William Brockbank. Process print.
  • L'occhiale all'occhio dioptrica pratica ... Dove si tratta della luce; della refrattione de raggi; dell'occhio; della vista; e de gli aiuti, che dare si possono à gli occhi per vedere quasi l'impossibile ... Dove in oltre si spiegano le regole pratiche di fabbricare occhiali ... e cannocchiali ... et altri da ingrandire migliaia di volte i minimi de gli oggetti vicini / Carlo Antonio Manzini.
  • Jesus calls Matthew from among the businessmen of Capernaum. Engraving by F. Rosaspina after L. Carracci.
  • A spectacles vendor showing his wares to an old woman on her doorstep. Etching by D. Deuchar, 1784, after A. van Ostade.
  • Christ calls Matthew to be among his apostles. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, 1830, after L. Carracci.
  • An astrologer wearing spectacles sits in his study reading by a globe. Line engraving by G.L. Heitel (?) after J.J. Vliet, 1634.
  • World Health Organisation malaria conference, Kampala. Photograph, 1950.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • World Health Organisation Malaria conference in Lagos. Photograph, 1956.
  • Banvera [?]. Lithograph.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a soldier. Oil painting by Pietro Della Vecchia.
  • Jacob Lorch. Photograph by W. Braun.
  • A scholar sits in his study reading beside a globe. Line engraving by V. Denon, 1784, after G. Metsu (?).
  • Rudolf Geigy. Photograph by L.J. Bruce-Chwatt.
  • Johannes Orth. Photogravure by Meisenbach Riffarth & Co.
  • A lapidary at work cutting and polishing stones. Watercolour by an Indian painter.
  • A quack-doctor examining a urine flask. Oil painting.
  • Paul Ehrlich. Photogravure by A. Krauth, 1910.
  • A choir of grotesque singers read from a printed sheet held up at the corners. Etching attributed to J. de Saint-Igny, ca. 1630.
  • David MacLagan. Photograph after J. Watson-Gordon.
  • Murdoch Cameron. Photograph by T. & R. Annan & Sons Ltd, 1922.