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262 results
  • Saint Michael the Archangel. Engraving by C. Duflos the elder, 1729, after Raphael.
  • Lazare Rivière [Riverius]. Line engraving by Germain Audran.
  • A woman drawing at a desk; representing optics. Engraving by M. Dossier after G. Allou.
  • Hospital, Messina, Sicily, Italy: the central square with a numbered key. Tinted etching by J. Deny, 1783.
  • René Descartes. Line engraving by E. Ficquet, 1767, after F. Hals, 1649.
  • A woman trader at the Halles market in Paris defends her conduct in conversation with an official as another woman looks on in amusement. Lithograph by N. Charlet, 1825.
  • Frederik William Boers. Line engraving by L. J. Cathelin, 1784, after C. N. Cochin.
  • Three Netherlandish travellers with torches inside the Great Pyramid. Etching after C. De Bruyn, 1700.
  • A scholar sits in his study reading beside a globe. Line engraving by V. Denon, 1784, after G. Metsu (?).
  • A crowd scramble to catch a goose which is running among them; representing the quest for money. Engraving attributed to S. Bernard.
  • Théodore Tronchin. Line engraving by R. Gaillard, 1782, after J.E. Liotard.
  • A country village: people feast round a table while others walk home in drunken groups. Etching by P. Chedel after A. Watteau.
  • A herder resting with his flock of goats near a river. Etching and aquatint by J. B. Leprince, 1769.
  • Esther fainting before Ahasuerus. Etching by L.J. Le Lorrain after J.F. de Troy.
  • A woman and a boy are looking at prints with the aid of a lens and mirror; an antique urn and a guitar in the background. Coloured stipple print by J.F. Cazenave after L.L. Boilly, ca. 1793.
  • A husband and wife ask a quack doctor for advice about health: he suggests substituting himself for the husband in the wife's affections, and she agrees. Engraving by J.J. Balechou, 1743, after E. Jeaurat.
  • A man sits on a stool smoking a pipe, behind a man relieves himself against the wall. Engraving by P. Chenu, 1754, after D. Teniers.
  • The education of King Louis XV: Venus hands him over to a centaur for education in manly ways. Etching by L. Cars, ca. 1757, after F. Boucher.
  • Two men indoors at a small table: one smokes while the other fills his pipe. Engraving by J.G. Wille, 1773, after A. van Ostade.
  • A woman looks at herself in her mirror; a man looks through a telescope; representing the sense of sight. Engraving by A. Bosse after himself, ca. 1650.
  • A man caresses a woman; representing the sense of touch. Engraving by A. Bosse after himself, c. 1650.
  • People eating and drinking before a tapestry; representing the sense of taste. Engraving by A. Bosse after himself, c. 1650.
  • A group of musicians; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving by A. Bosse, c. 1650.
  • People smelling flowers on the steps of an ornamental garden; representing the sense of smell. Engraving by A. Bosse after himself, ca. 1638.
  • A man plays the fiddle at a tavern table as another sings and others listen. Engraving by J. Heudelot, late 18th century, after A. van Ostade.
  • Martyrdom of Saint Stephen. Etching by A.J. Duclos and engraving by L. Garreau after Annibale Carracci.
  • The god Apollo holding his bow and an arrow. Engraving by E. Delaune, ca. 1560.
  • Susanna and the elders. Engraving by J-F. Beauvarlet after J-M. Vien.
  • Melpomene, Polyhymnia and Erato. Etching by G. Duchange after B. Picart after E. Le Sueur.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child. Engraving by B.L. Henriquez after Molenchon after B.E. Murillo.