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313 results
  • A baby being removed from its dying mother's womb via Caesarean section. Reproduction of woodcut, 1483.
  • A baby being removed from its dying mother's womb via Caesarean section. Reproduction of woodcut, 1483.
  • A skeleton seated beside the hammock of a dying man. Drawing by H.K. Browne (Phiz).
  • A group of doctors and medical students surround a dying patient. Watercolour attributed to T. Rowlandson.
  • Three women surround the bed of their dying sister. Engraving by H. Robinson after Miss Eliza Sharpe.
  • A priest administering the sacrament of extreme unction to a dying woman. Wood engraving by N. Knilling.
  • A woman sitting by the bed of a dying man. Engraving by C. Warren after H. Corbould.
  • Crippled by the system : intensively reared chickens, dying and deformed! / Friends of Animals Under Abuse (FAUNA).
  • The dying Alcestis is surrounded by her family. Engraving by Francesco Rosaspina after J.H. Tischbein, 1785.
  • A dying man in bed being read the last rites. Lithograph by F. Piloty after L. Bramer.
  • A mother sits at the bed of her dying child. Engraving by H. Cook after W. Perring.
  • Rats roaming the sewers, some of them dying, heralding the plague. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • A sick, dying or dead woman lying on a bed in the presence of three figures. Drawing.
  • A dying woman is surrounded by allegorical figures who point to an image of the Crucifixion. Etching.
  • A dying man in bed being approached by demons, with house exterior below. Collotype after a woodcut.
  • Crippled by the system : intensively reared chickens, dying and deformed! / Friends of Animals Under Abuse (FAUNA).
  • A sick, dying or dead woman lying on a bed in the presence of three figures. Drawing.
  • A dying man lies in bed realizing that the doctor cannot cure him. Etching by Abraham Bosse.
  • A woman is holding her dying lover; a sword lying at his feet. Aquatint by F. Goya, 1812/1888.
  • A little girl (Jane) lies dying, surrounded by her family who weep and grieve. Line engraving by Brown.
  • The dying Earl Siward clad in armour embraces a young man and woman. Etching by James Smetham, 1861.
  • A dying man is being given a cup while an angel points to an image of Christ. Etching.
  • Blood is let from a dying man while an angel points towards an image of the Flagellation. Etching.
  • Two soldiers fighting ferociously on the top of a mound when a dying soldiers intervenes. Line engraving with etching.
  • The birth of the Antichrist from a dying woman via a Caesarean operation. Reproduction, 1933, of a woodcut, 1475.
  • An angel directs a dying man's attention towards an image of the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Etching.
  • A dying man folds his hands in prayer while an angel points towards an image of the crucifixion. Etching.
  • Four men of different temperaments looking at a painting of a dying man. Engraving by Grignion after D. Chodowiecki.
  • A dying unscrupulous medical practitioner confesses the errors of his ways to a nurse. Coloured etching by W. Heath.
  • Saint Philip Neri: he comforts a dying man, Gabriele Tana, who has visions of devils. Engraving by L. Ciamberlano.