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80 results
  • Surgical instruments: various detached instruments designed by Paolo Assalini. Engraving by J.B. Taylor after C. Varley.
  • Edinburgh University: John Chiene and Dr MacKay with medical students. Photograph by J.G. Tunny, 1885.
  • Engineering: a portable jib and windlass used in moving goods. Engraving by J. Taylor after C. Varley.
  • Engineering: a portable windlass used in moving goods. Engraving by J. Taylor after C. Varley.
  • William Taylor, as a tailor holding a pair of scissors in one hand, a tape measure across his arm and a book of poetry in the other hand, riding on the back of a goose. Coloured etching, 1811.
  • A portable oven, and a machine for making the tips of hats. Engraving by J. Taylor after C. Varley.
  • Funerary monument to Alice, the daughter of Francis Taylor: her effigy, sleeping. Lithograph by H. Tiffin after F. Taylor, ca. 1845.
  • An insane man (Tom Rakewell) sits on the floor manically grasping at his head, his lover (Sarah Young) cries at the spectacle while two attendants attach chains to his legs; they are surrounded by other lunatics at Bethlem hospital, London. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1735.
  • A rural physician giving an elderly woman a tablet, which she views suspiciously, a younger woman stands smiling in the background. Colour stipple engraving by J. Cary, 1786, after H. Taylor.
  • A rural physician giving an elderly woman a tablet, she views it suspiciously, a younger woman stands smiling in the background. Colour stipple engraving by J. Cary, 1786, after H. Taylor.
  • Samson carries the gates of Gaza up to the mount of Hebron. Etching by J. Taylor after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • The Resurrection. Aquatint by G. Sanders after E. Taylor.
  • A fat man who carries his stomach on a wheelbarrow is followed to a restaurant by a poor, thin man carrying a basket of food on his head. Etching, 1777.
  • The shop of a tooth-drawer, barber, apothecary and blood-letter called "Dickey Gossip", with a song about him. Process print, 1931, after an etching, 1795.
  • The shop of a tooth-drawer, barber, apothecary and blood-letter called "Dickey Gossip", with a song about him. Process print, 1931, after an etching, 1795.
  • Twenty five different insects and the plants they live on. Engraving by I. Taylor.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.