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310 results
  • Geology: visitors climbing the large stalactites in a cave at Montserrat. Engraving by Legrand after A. de Laborde.
  • St. Mary College of Winchester (Winchester College), Winchester, Hampshire: with details of ornamentation. Engraving by J. Pass, 1798, after J. Cave.
  • A boy enters the cave of a giant who is about to stab himself in the chest. Etching.
  • A lioness with her cubs in front of a cave with a portcullis. Etching by J.E. Ridinger.
  • A lion standing outside a cave with four other lions in the background. Etching by J.E. Ridinger.
  • A group of linx with their kitten in a cave in the mountains. Etching by J.E. Ridinger.
  • A great cedar tree representing the Catholic church, contrasted with two smaller trees representing later denominations. Engraving after W. Cave, ca. 1675.
  • A great cedar tree representing the Catholic church, contrasted with two smaller trees representing later denominations. Engraving after W. Cave, ca. 1675.
  • A great cedar tree representing the Catholic church, contrasted with two smaller trees representing later denominations. Engraving after W. Cave, ca. 1675.
  • A group of otters in an underground cave with a waterfall in the background. Etching by J.E. Ridinger.
  • Lourdes, France: the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: pilgrims kiss the wall of the cave. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Lourdes, France: the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: pilgrims kiss the wall of the cave. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Entrance to a cave on the island of Elephanta, near Bombay, Maharashtra. Coloured aquatint by T. and W. Daniell, 1800.
  • Interior of a cave on the island of Elephanta, near Bombay, Maharashtra. Coloured aquatint by Thomas and William Daniell, 1800.
  • "Vulcan's cave" on the Solfatara, near Naples, showing volcanic gases and the processing of alum. Etching by Bénard after Delarue.
  • A div (demon) is bound and cast into cave by a woman. Gouache painting by an Indian artist, ca. 1850(?).
  • Skull of a Cave-Bear (Ursus Spelaeus) found in a cavern at Nabresina near Trieste and bearing on the right side in the parietal bone a Palaeolithic stone axe of the Mousterian type.
  • Cave paintings; a group of Indo African men and women riding on elephants and horses. Gouache painting by an Indian painter.
  • "Vulcan's cave" at the entrance to the Solfatara, near Naples: jets of steam emerging from the rock floor, watched by spectators. Etching.
  • The burial of Atala outside her cave in the mountains. Stipple print with etching by J.P. Simon after J.B. Mallet.
  • A geologist in a cave trips over a stone; two women and a man holding a candle in the background. Etching, ca. 1870.
  • The birth of Christ; outside the crumbling cave, an angel announces the event to three shepherds. Lithograph by M. Fanoli after J. Führich.
  • Macbeth, the three witches, Hecate, and the eight kings, in a cave. Stipple print by R. Thew after J. Reynolds, 1 December 1802.
  • Cave paintings; a group of female musicians and dancers and Buddhist monks (?) of Indo-African origin. Gouache painting by an Indian painter.
  • A woman hides in a cave with a baby in a carry cot as men hunt outside. Coloured aquatint by H. Berthoud after Schnetz.
  • Lourdes, France: the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: crutches left behind by pilgrims, amassed on the walls of the cave. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • The cave of Trophonius in Livadeia, Greece; the cavities in the rock are for votive offerings. Etching by Elizabeth Byrne, 1813, after E.D. Clarke.
  • A fox is running away from a lion dressed in regal robe sitting in a cave. Etching by W. Hollar for a fable by Aesop.
  • Saint Benedict: while he lives as a hermit in a cave near Subiaco, a raven protects him from poisoned bread. Engraving by T. van Merlen.
  • A tiger and an ox are fighting in front of a cave in the mountains with palm trees in the background. Etching by J.E. Ridinger.