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643 results
  • Healthy breast mammogram, artwork
  • Healthy breast mammogram, artwork
  • Healthy breast mammogram, artwork
  • coloured breast cancer cell
  • Papilloma of the breast
  • Breast cancer cell, SEM
  • Breast cancer cell, SEM
  • Breast cancer cell, SEM
  • Breast cancer cell, SEM
  • Amputation of the breast.
  • Scirrhous carcinoma of the breast
  • Surgery: cancer of the breast.
  • Scirrhous carcinoma of the breast
  • Breast cancer, 16th Century
  • Recurrent sarcoma of the breast
  • Recurrent carcinoma of the breast
  • Breast cancer cell spheroid, SEM
  • Carcinomatous growth on the breast
  • Breast cancer cell spheroid, SEM
  • A diseased female breast. Watercolour.
  • Inflammation of the male breast
  • Consider the next advanced breast cancer : Orimeten...the next step in advanced breast cancer.
  • Consider the next advanced breast cancer : Orimeten...the next step in advanced breast cancer.
  • Consider the next advanced breast cancer : Orimeten...the next step in advanced breast cancer.
  • Chinese woodcut: Disease location: breast abscess
  • A diseased female breast. Watercolour, 1824.
  • Porcelain figure of woman breast feeding
  • Scirrhous cancer of a man's breast
  • Spindle-celled sarcoma of the breast
  • Woman with breast tumor, votive offering