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116 results
  • Saint Benedict of Nursia: while he lives as a hermit in a cave near Subiaco, a raven protects him from poisoned bread (represented by a snake emerging from a loaf). Engraving by J. Frey after G. Anziani after Carlo Cignani.
  • Saint Catherine of Alexandria embraces the Christ child who sits on the Virgin Mary's lap; with Saint Dominic, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Benedict (?), Saint Peter Martyr and Saint Petronius. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after P. Faccini.
  • [In hoc volumine continentur Valerii Cordi Simesusij Annotationes in Pedacij Diocoridis Anazarbei de medica materia libros V. Longe aliae quam ante hac sunt evulgatae : Ejusdem Val Cordi historiae stirpium libri IIII posthumi, nunc primum in lucem editi, adjectis etiam stirpium iconibus, & brevissimus annotatiunculis Sylva, qua rerum fossilium in Germanium plurimarum metallorum, Lapidum, & stirpium aliquot rariorum notitiam brevissime persequitur nunquam hactenus visa De artificiosis extractionibus liber. Compositiones medicinales aliquot, non vulgares his accedunt Storcc-Hornii et Nessi In Bernatium Helvetiorum ditione monitum, & nascentium in eis stirpium descriptio Benedict Aretii item Conradi Gesneri De hortus Germaniae, Liber recens ... / Omnia summo studio atque industria ... Conradi Gesneri ... collecta, et praefationibus illustrata].
  • A mother holding her newborn baby, with a serious expresssion as she realizes its vulnerability to deadly infectious diseases; with a bottle of vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus, advertising vaccination against those diseases. Colour process print by Sadolin, 195-.
  • L'Abbé Desmonceaux. Line engraving by B. A. Nicollet after P. Le Sueur.
  • Saint Joseph of Cupertino (Copertino). Engraving by G.A. Lorenzini.
  • Two old men attempt to force their attentions on a young woman. Engraving by B.A. Nicollet after J.B. Deshaÿes.
  • Two old men attempt to force their attentions on a young woman. Engraving by B.A. Nicollet after J.B. Deshaÿes.
  • Saint Apollonia. Engraving by B.A. Nicolet, 1786, after G. Reni.
  • Saint Peter repenting. Line engraving by B.A. Nicolet after G.B. Wicar after J. Ribera (?).
  • Saint Januarius: ceremony marking the liquefaction of his blood in Naples cathedral. Etching by G. Martini and L. Germain and engraving by B. Nicolet, after L.J. Desprez.
  • A man brought on a bier before an altar. Drawing attributed to Pieter de Jode I.
  • A bed is prepared and blessed for a couple who have just been married. Engraving by B. Picart.
  • H.-B. de Saussure and his party halting on the Col du Géant on their ascent of Mont Blanc, 1787. Colour lithograph by F. Baumann, 1863.
  • A private papal indulgence granted to the Rev. Timothy Gibberd. Colour lithograph, 18--.
  • A bed is prepared and blessed for a couple who have just been married. Engraving.
  • Six rites of the Roman Catholic Church: the procession of the Holy Oils; the blessing of the Holy Oils; a bishop is received during a visit to his diocese; the bishop's pastoral exhortation; the kissing of the bishop's hand and the bishop's lying in state. Etching after B. Picart.
  • Fifth International Genetics Congress, Berlin; eleven delegates. Process print, 1927.
  • Saint Francis de Paul (San Francesco da Paola) healing a young man with an ulcered leg. Etching by Giandomenico Tiepolo.
  • The triumphant Christ Child standing on the Jesuit monogram, above instruments of the Passion; surrounded by cherubim. Engraving.
  • The Holy Cross with Saint Sebastian, Saint Roch and Saint John Nepomuk, serving as an amulet against plagues, witchcraft etc. Coloured woodcut.
  • The Holy Cross, surrounded by Saint Sebastian, Saint Roch, and Saint John Nepomuk, and (above) the appearance of the Trinity; serving as an amulet against plagues, witchcraft etc. Coloured etching.
  • Potosí, Peru (later Bolivia): Edmond Temple, a lady (Doña Juliana), her Andean servants and two clerics assembled for grace after dinner. Aquatint by J. Clark, 1829, after W. Hornsby.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child. Etching by F. Barocci.
  • The Holy Trinity and Saint Mary (as the Blessed Virgin of Einsiedeln) with the Christ Child, Saint Meinrad and pilgrims. Photoengraving after the Master E.S., 1466.
  • Saint Francis de Paul (San Francesco da Paola) healing a man with an ulcered leg and a woman vexed by a malignant spirit. Oil painting.
  • Saint Francis de Paul (San Francesco da Paola) healing a man with an ulcered leg and a woman vexed by a malignant spirit. Oil painting.
  • Saint Francis de Paul (San Francesco da Paola) healing a man with an ulcered leg and a woman vexed by a malignant spirit. Oil painting.
  • Saint Francis de Paul (San Francesco da Paola) healing a man with an ulcered leg and a woman vexed by a malignant spirit. Oil painting.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint John the Baptist. Etching by G. Reni.