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106 results
  • A visiting Red Cross nurse giving a drink to a grateful woman in bed. Colour lithograph, 194-.
  • A toddler in a walking frame is kicking bottles of sedatives, representing the preference for clean bottle-feeding over pharmaceutical sedatives for infants. Colour process print after F. Poulbot.
  • Children going to a clinic for a health check to prevent the advance of disease. Colour lithograph by Alice Dick Dumas, ca. 1917.
  • A baby pointing to the words "Let us save the babies. For breast-feeding". Lithograph after H. Stephany, ca. 1917.
  • The strangling of a poisonous snake, representing the crushing of tuberculosis. Colour lithograph after G. Dorival and G. Capon, ca. 1918.
  • How AIDS does not spread: a hand shake, hugging, a table with food, and a male and female toilet. Colour lithograph 1986.
  • The risk of alcohol and drugs increasing HIV infection. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • Patte Labelle, a black woman wearing silver earrings; an advertisement for information about AIDS provided by The Red Cross. Colour lithograph.
  • AIDS for AIDS, a useful information sheet for physicians with numerous facts and figures by the National AIDS Control Organisation, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Goverment of India. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Propagande Américaine : une affiche pour le 50e. anniversaire de la Croix Rouge.
  • [Card certifying proficiency in life saving and water safety (Cincinnati, Ohio, 1939 - used in 1942)].
  • [Card certifying proficiency in life saving and water safety (Cincinnati, Ohio, 1939 - used in 1942)].
  • Blood collection and protection process and AIDS
  • [Pictorial envelope showing a Red Cross nurse tending to a wounded soldier on a WW2 battlefield].
  • [Pictorial envelope showing a Red Cross nurse tending to a wounded soldier on a WW2 battlefield].
  • how to prevent the transmission of HIV
  • A woman and a man on the telephone representing the AIDS Spanish Helpline; advertisement by the San Franciso AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A soldier promotes blood donation in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Kenya National Blood Transfusion Service, ca. 2000.
  • Deuxième congrès national des équipes C.R.F. de secourisme : les cinq fondateurs / [Croix-Rouge française].
  • Childhood mortality: interior of a nursery with eight babies, watched by Death who opens the window from outside and reveals an industrial cityscape. Colour lithograph by Alice Dick Dumas.
  • Franco-Prussian War: foreign ambulance staff in the Siege of Paris. Coloured transfer lithograph by Draner (J. Renard), 1871.
  • The shrunken head of a Huambisa person of Peru. Photograph, 1899.
  • Members of the British National Hospital Service Reserve attending to someone who has been injured; advertising recuitment to the National Hospital Service Reserve. Colour lithograph, 1951 (?).
  • A cross with pink hearts within a montage
  • The naked body of a child amidst empty bottles in a rubbish tip with a warning about the need to fight alcholism and AIDS. Colour lithograph by Shenoa Egawa Poster Designs, 1994, for the Seattle Indian Health Board.
  • A nurse with children as part of a campaign against tuberculosis. Colour lithograph after H. Cheffer, 1935.
  • A little boy standing on a stool to brush his teeth at the basin, to emulate his father. Colour lithograph, 1932/1934.
  • 15th self-portrait.
  • 15th self-portrait.
  • A native American woman holding a baby over her shoulder against a graphic backdrop representing an advertisement for the Native American Women's Health Education Reource Center in South Dakota. Colour lithograph.