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  • I love dressing for bed : condoms are between 58-98% effective when used correctly ...  / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • When you're back packing abroad make sure you're carrying the right pack... : condoms / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • Over 10 million women worldwide have been infected with the HIV virus : women acount for 42% of the 21 million adults now living with HIV / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • Over 10 million women worldwide have been infected with the HIV virus : women acount for 42% of the 21 million adults now living with HIV / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • A red and gold decorated head with an open mouth adorned with skeletons wearing crowns representing an advertisement for Saltarino, an asian circus AIDS gala in support of children and families affected by AIDS and HIV; organised by the AIDS-Forum e.V. Colour lithograph.
  • Many more children live in families touched by HIV and AIDS : Since the beginning of th epidemic nine million children across the world have lost their mothers to AIDS / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • Many more children live in families touched by HIV and AIDS : Since the beginning of th epidemic nine million children across the world have lost their mothers to AIDS / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • An Asian woman in a telephone box listening to the telephone, four symbols of sound or soundness (telephone, exclamation mark with telephone number, condom and syringe); representing support for HIV positive drug-users. Colour lithograph by Photo Co-op, Glover/Huges and Big-Active Ltd. for Mainliners, 1990/1995.
  • Many more people living in the UK have been affected while travelling abroad : This also includes people who have travelled to India. Precautions should be taken whilst travelling to all major cities and rural areas / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • Many more people living in the UK have been affected while travelling abroad : This also includes people who have travelled to India. Precautions should be taken whilst travelling to all major cities and rural areas / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • Travelling abroad? Exploring the sights? : Many people in the UK have been infected while travelling abroad. Asking for and getting condoms can be difficult, so remember to pack your supply before you go / Brent & Harrow fund this initiative ; this poster was jointly produced by Asian Women's Resource Centre and The Naz Project London.
  • One of the principal routes of transmission of HIV is from a woman with HIV to her baby during pregnancy, birth or breast feeding : 3% of all women attending antenatal clinics in Mumbai (Bombay) are testing HIV positive / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • One of the principal routes of transmission of HIV is from a woman with HIV to her baby during pregnancy, birth or breast feeding : 3% of all women attending antenatal clinics in Mumbai (Bombay) are testing HIV positive / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • Britain has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe : Rates of sexually transmitted infections, particularly gonorrhoea, genital herpes and chlamydia are also on the increase. Good sex education is the first step towards informed choice and self-empowerment / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • Britain has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe : Rates of sexually transmitted infections, particularly gonorrhoea, genital herpes and chlamydia are also on the increase. Good sex education is the first step towards informed choice and self-empowerment / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • Justicia carnea Lindl. Acanthaceae. Brazilian Plume flower, Flamingo flower. Shrimp plant. Tender shrub. Distribution: Atlantic coast of Brazil. Named for James Justice (1698-1753) Scottish horticulturist, lawyer, 'tulip maniac' (Desmond, 1977). Asian species of Justicia are noted to be toxic and contain cytotoxic compounds which inhibit virus replication (Wiart, 2006) Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Travelling abroad? Thinking of getting married? : Make sure sexual health is on your agenda when you are looking for your life partner ... more than 4/5ths of all HIV infected women contract the virus from a male partner ...  / Brent & Harrow fund this initiative ; this poster was jointly produced by Asian Women's Resource Centre and The Naz Project London.
  • Er Raj, I think we should use a condom : Why have a sweetie in it's wrapper Gita? : Listen to her Raj ... look what happened to me the last time you didn't use a condom! / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • Er Raj, I think we should use a condom : Why have a sweetie in it's wrapper Gita? : Listen to her Raj ... look what happened to me the last time you didn't use a condom! / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • Illicium verum Hook.f. Illiciaceae Chinese Star Anise Distribution: China. Illicium anisatum Japanese Star Anise. Distribution Japan. Illicium verum is used as a spice in Asian cooking and for Star Anise tea. The distilled oil is added to cough mixture used by children. Introduced to Europe in 1588 (Pharmacographia Indica, 1890). Illicium anisatum syn. religiosum, has been confused with it (Lindley, 1838, Bentley 1861) but is poisonous and was used to make incense in Japanese and Chinese temples. It was called Skimi by Kaempfer. The seed pods of both species contain shikimic acid (the name being derived from the Japanese word for the plant - shi-kimi) from which Tamiflu, the antiviral drug was synthesised. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • One in ten people living in the UK identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual at some stage in their lives : Learning to accept your sexual feelings and being true to them is part of looking after your physical and emotional well-being / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • One in ten people living in the UK identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual at some stage in their lives : Learning to accept your sexual feelings and being true to them is part of looking after your physical and emotional well-being / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • Jas, you should have known something was wrong when it started spoutinng FIRE! : STI's can happen to anyone. But most of them can be treated or prevented from happening in the first place. GUM services are free and confidential. You owe it to yourself to have regular sexual checkups / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • Jas, you should have known something was wrong when it started spoutinng FIRE! : STI's can happen to anyone. But most of them can be treated or prevented from happening in the first place. GUM services are free and confidential. You owe it to yourself to have regular sexual checkups / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.
  • Contrary to popular belief, sexually transmitted infections and sexual activity with multiple partners are common in the Indian subcontinent in both rural and urban areas : Availability of good quality condoms while abroad can be difficult. so be prepared and take a good supply with you / Brent & Harrow fund this initiative ; this poster was jointly produced by Asian Women's Resource Centre and The Naz Project London.
  • An Indian sculpture of a couple embracing; representing the need for safe sex to protect Asians and Muslims against AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • Seduced by India? Absorbed by its charm? Blinded by its beauty? Remember the India beyond the image : Many people living in the UK have been infected while travelling abroad to the Indian subcontinent. Don't take unnecessary risks. India has one of the highest rates of HIV infection worldwide. To prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; remember always use a condom / Brent & Harrow fund this initiative ; this poster was jointly produced by Asian Women's Resource Centre and The Naz Project London.
  • Can she cope with higher prices everyday...? : reduce medication costs...prescribe Rythrocaps.
  • Real relief required : for pain of all dimensions prescribe Doxypol first.
  • An important consideration for the family doctor : Famicillin CAPS brand of ampicillin.