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63 results filtered with: Typology
  • Upper Paleolithic scrapers from La Grotte des Fees, Chatelperron (Allier)
  • Hafted stone axe from Robenhausen lake-dwelling
  • Upper Paleolithic bone-work, Chatelperron
  • Mesolithic, Neolithic and North American typology
  • Bronze dagger from Magherafelt.
  • Scraper of stone mounted in handle
  • La Tene III, Iron Age, Dechelette, Manuel d'Archeologie
  • Swedish bronze halberd.
  • Acheulian bifacial implements found around Watford, Herts.
  • Paleolithic hand-axes
  • Hand-axe found by the apothecary John Conyrs in 1690, near Gray's Inn, London and now in the British Museum
  • The Gray's Inn Lane Implement, from the illustration by Evans showing the natural size
  • Bronze Age implements, ornaments and pottery (Period II).
  • Bronze tanged spear-head.
  • Unguentaria, Iron Age Glass.
  • Iron Age bronze Fibula, loop type with disc at head
  • Acheulian bifacial tools (hand-axes) from Burnham Beeches, Bucks. Upper Boyn Hill Terrace
  • Piece of iron Age pottery found at Lent Rise, Burnham, Bucks
  • Crude chopper, Lower Paleolithic from Boyn Hill gravel in Steven's pit between Linden Avenue and Belmont Park Road, Maidenhead, Berks. (128 mm x 102 mm.)
  • Iron Age Scissors, Dechelette, Manuel d'Archeologie
  • Representative series of Upper Paleolithic artifacts
  • Hand-axes from Hoxne, Suffolk in Archaeologia, 1800
  • Bunches of toilet instruments (Iron Age)
  • Toilet Instruments (Iron Age).
  • Toilet Instruments (Iron Age)
  • Fibula-serpentiform-bronze, Iron Age, probably from Italy
  • Iron Age polsherd from Lent Rise, Burnham, Bucks
  • Flint implements of Upper Paleolithic and Tardenoisian types from Scunthorpe, Linconshire
  • Spear thrower as used by the Eskimos and by the Australians.
  • Miniature in gold of Broze Age ornamented flanged axe.