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97 results filtered with: Twins, Conjoined
  • Extraordinary birth / A.I.H.
  • For a short time only, commencing Monday, July 17th  : the wonderful Two-Headed Nightingale Company ... also Miss Anna Swan the famous Nova-Scotian Giantess ... Capt. M. V. Bates the great Kentucky Giant.
  • [Newspaper clipping (1874?) featuring an illustration of 'The Siamese Twins' Chang and Eng and the report of their death with an obituary].
  • [Leaflet about The Brothers Tocci, conjoined twins, born in Locana, Italy in 1877].
  • [Folded handbill on yellow paper advertising Millie Christine, the Two-Headed Nightingale, and Harvey's Midges (smallest people in the world : Princess Lottie, Prince Midge, Miss Jennie Worgen and General Tot), appearing at the Piccadilly Hall, London, 17 February 1885].
  • Two of the cleverest dwarfs ever before the public, none excepted, most intelligent, most symmetrically formed, most pleasing & pleasant in appearance & conversation & the most accomplished actors, expert & skilful swordsmen, graceful dancers & fine pantomimists : Count Rosebud, Baron Little  Finger.
  • Egyptian Hall, open daily from 2 till 5 : The Pygopagi Twins.
  • Harry H. Hargrave presents Guadalupe and Josefina Hinojosa : siamese twin girls born grown together in Havana, Cuba, November 15, 1912.
  • Samar (Siamese) twins : two boys six years old, joined together for life.
  • Barnum's new freaks.
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances in London by The Brothers Tocci, conjoined twins, born in Locana, Italy in 1877].
  • [Folded handbill on yellow paper advertising Millie Christine, the Two-Headed Nightingale, and Harvey's Midges (smallest people in the world : Princess Lottie, Prince Midge, Miss Jennie Worgen and General Tot), appearing at the Piccadilly Hall, London, 17 February 1885].
  • [Folded leaflet (turquoise paper - copies on purple paper exist) advertising appearances of 'The Pygopagi Twins', Josepha and Rosalie Blazek, conjoined twins, in some sort of performance at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London, in late 1880. The "Bohemian" twins were under the patronage of the Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria and other distinguished personages. The twins both died at the age of 45. ].
  • First tour in Great Britain : during the fair, £1,000 challenge to the world! to produce the equal of Lallo [sic], the greatest living wonder in the world : a native of Lucknow, central India : Lalloo... simply a boy and girl joined together... / James Norman and M.D. Francis, proprietors.
  • L'enfant à quatre jambes : ou l'iléadelphie vivant : né à Paris, le 4 juillet 1830.
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by A CHILD with two faces, four eyes, two mouths, two noses, two ears, and two chins born on 23 December 1827 on display at 107 Regent Street, London].
  • Souvenir du Royaume de Lilliput, Paris : carte postale.
  • The wonderful two-headed nightingale : the eighth wonder of the world / Sanger's Royal Amphitheatre.
  • Violet and Daisy : English Siamese twins : "if we have interested you kindly tell your friends to visit us.".
  • The Siamese brothers : aged 18.
  • Harry H. Hargrave presents Guadalupe and Josefina Hinojosa : siamese twin girls born grown together in Havana, Cuba, November 15, 1912.
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances in London by The Brothers Tocci, conjoined twins, born in Locana, Italy in 1877].
  • Gruss von dem Wundermädchen Bianka aus Italien.
  • The Siamese twins.
  • Andenken an Emilisa Stoll : die Kopf an Kopf zusammengeachsenen Zwillinge : geb. am 7. Januar 1912 zu Vilbel bei Frankfurt a. M. / Impresario Otto Heinemann, Charlottenburg, Schlüterstr. 12.
  • Violet and Daisy : English Siamese twins : "if we have interested you kindly tell your friends to visit us.".
  • Lusus naturae : a female child, about three months old, is now exhibiting in Chapple-street, New-road ...
  • [Folded leaflet (purple paper - copies on turquoise paper exist) advertising appearances of 'The Pygopagi Twins', Josepha and Rosalie Blazek, conjoined twins, in some sort of performance at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London, in late 1880. The "Bohemian" twins were under the patronage of the Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria and other distinguished personages. The twins both died at the age of 45. ].
  • [Newspaper clipping (Sunday Times, 10 August 1939) of a brief history of the Siamese Twins Chang and Eng and Elizabeth and Mary Chulkhurst, the 'Biddenden maids'. Written by Ernest A. Ebblewhite].
  • [Newspaper clipping (The Standard, 1 June 1871) about Millie Christine, the Two-Headed Nightingale, Anna Swan, the Nova Scotian giantess and Captain George Martin van Buren Bates, the great Kentucky giant, appearing at Willis's Rooms, King Street, St. James's, London].